Ship-repair ghost

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*nervously chuckles

   Star sighed as she scrolled through the many pictures she had made during the trip. She glanced at her battery and made a mental note to recharge it once they were back in the ship.

"This spot taken?"

Star looked at Kwan and smiled. "Now it is."

They stood quietly next to each other as they looked around.

The Fenton parents, Technus, Tucker and Valerie were huddled together occasionally throwing their hands up and making wild gestures.

The rest was wandering around and poking at all the different inventions, sometimes flinching when they made a noise too loud. Danny was looking around in wonder at something no one else could see.

He looked pretty dumb with the makeshift ear warmers Sam had made to at least dampen the noise.

Paulina kept glancing at the hybrid and smiling excitedly. She whispered something to Dash who gasped. Probably something along the lines of 'he almost looked this way'.

"I bet you they are going to set up a club in honor of Danny," Star said.

Kwan smirked. "I'm not going in in that bet. It's already happening." There was a pause. "I'm actually glad Phantom rejected her..." Kwan said feeling oddly guilty.

Star gave him a reassuring smile. "Me too. I don't want to know how Dash would react to that. But..." She bit her lip. "I think we should call him Danny from now on?" It was more of a question than a statement.

Kwan grimaced, remembering all the things he and his buddies had done to the boy. He hadn't really thought about it until now, too much in shock before. "I can't believe he didn't tell us. Why would he want to keep this a secret?"

Star shrugged. "My dad told me about some organization. It's called the GIW. It's the one the Fentons told us that funded the trip and the making of the ship."

"What kind of organization is it?"

"It's for ghost hunting. Nobody really knows much about them but what I did hear isn't very good. They're cruel and only catch ghosts for experimentation or research. They don't see ghosts as sentient things..."

Kwan pursed his lips. " you think they want Phantom?"

Star nodded. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I heard they caught him once too."

Kwan gasped. "Are you sure?"

She nodded worriedly. "I don't know if they found out he's a halfa but if they did, Danny would be valuable. I many half ghosts do you see flying around."

Kwan nodded. "Fent- Danny can probably take care of himself. Especially now with these super new powers."

Star shrugged. "Yeah but they're professionals. I'll try to keep an eye on them and figure out their plans. Maybe as a way to make up to Danny." She bit her lip.

Kwan grinned. "You're amazing."

Star's eyes widened and she stiffened as a blush tinged her cheeks. She smiled lightly. "Thanks."

Kwan, suddenly self conscious, went back to topic. "Aaand if you need help, just ask. You know...I'm here for you. I- I owe him too."

Star fingered her shirt nervously. "We could ask other kids in the class to help us."

Kwan nodded. "Only the ones in this trip, though. I don't think Danny would want us telling anyone else."

Star locked eyes with Kwan. She had never seen him like this. He was always acting tough for the other jocks. Same with Dash, who felt if he showed any weakness all his friends would go against him. Except for Kwan. Star knew they had a special bond but she rarely saw the Chinese show anyone else of his caring nature.

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