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   Tucker beckoned them all forward and they formed a circle. Jack making up half the circle.

Tucker spoke up quietly. "Ok so I couldn't see where we were going thanks to someone walking in front of me and blocking my sight. Did anyone here memorize the way?" He knew it was a long shot but it was worth a try.

He got lucky. Kim nodded. "I did. But only from here to the interrogation room. Then from there to the other cell. But that path is kinda sketchy. Maybe if I see it."

Tucker grinned. "That's perfect. So you can sneak out without raising any alarms and get the remote."

Jack was surprisingly serious. "It will be suspicious for a prisoner to walk out alone."

Tucker pursed his lips.

Chelsea spoke up. "One of us could go disguised as a ghost."

Kim frowned. "How. We don't look like ghosts at all. And the only ghost we have is kitten here."

Ha. Me.

They turned around to see the cat inspecting them. It seemed to be listening in on the conversation.

"Or is it a ghost?"

Chelsea looked at Kim when she spoke. "What else is it gonna be?"

"A living cat that made its way into the Ghost Zone," Jack pointed out.

Kim nodded. "And they captured him and put him in a glass cylinder since they don't have catsized bracelets yet."

"Look at its red eyes though," Chelsea said.

Tucker's eyes widened at that. He inspected the cat more closely. Now that he knew about the red eyes he wondered how he could have overlooked that. They seemed to stand out from its black fur. They shone with intelligence. Tucker realized this was, in fact, a ghost.

He smirked at the feline. "Don't worry guys. I know what to do. We just have to find a way out after we take the remote."

The others looked like they wanted to inquire further about what Tucker has planned but Kim spoke up, realizing they didn't have the time.

"I can get out without raising any alarms but what about you?"

Jack leaned forward. "First figure out where the others are and find a way to tell us."

Kim frowned. "How. I can't just shout out: Go right! Then left after the prison with the ugly ghost snake!"

Jack dug through his pockets. He mumbled things under his breath. "They took all my weapons but they can't take this baby!" He held up a pair of Fenton phones. "They let you communicate with others."

Chelsea looked unsure. "That's all nice and dandy but what are we supposed to do with just one pair."

"I actually have another right here." Tucker held up his own Fenton phones. The trio always carried them just in case and he had been able to hide them from the guards by putting it in one of the many pockets in his pants. They hadn't even bothered to check.

The others just assumed he had gotten them from the pile of weapons.

Chelsea nodded. "Cool. So Kim takes one and who wears the other."

Tucker wanted to volunteer but Jack beat him to it. "I will. We will stay in contact."

Tucker sighed.

Kim frowned. "When you get out there will be alarms. We need a way to defend ourselves."

"We could steal the weapons from the ghosts." Chelsea grinned.

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