Part 11

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Continuous of chapter 10~

Third person POV

He came to visit because he hasn't heard from his buddy for days now. Just a couple mins after Nate the monster left. He knocked on the door but received no answer. He looked down and touched the door knob and turned it and to his surprise it was unlocked.
He knew its wrong to go inside someone's home without permission but the door being unlocked didn't make sense  to him.

He walked in and peeked around.

Hello~ he yelled throughout the silent house. He walked all around. Little did he know that he would've found Kristina body laying on the ground unconsciously.

He quickly bent down and tried to shake her awake. Many thoughts ran through his head. He started to panic. For the women he started to get feelings for might even be dead. He put his head near her mouth to see if she's breathing at all and she wasn't. With shaky hands he picked her up and ran out to his car. He placed her gently in the back seat and attempted to drive her to the hospital as fast as he could.
Tears rolled down his face seeing  her in that state. Even though they just met a month ago he already knows that she's gonna be more than a friend to him.

Reaching to the hospital he took her out and held her body bridal style. He ran into the hospital yelling for help.

Someone help please. My girlfriend is dying~ He shouted.

Soon enough multiple doctors and nurses covered them. They took Kristina in a wheeling bed and wheeled her away. Out of frustration he tried to follow but the nurses told him to wait in the waiting area.

Not being stubborn he stumbled to the side way bench and sat. He couldn't compose himself. He's afraid of losing her. He knew that he really likes her a lot and misses her. The thing that scared him the most was seeing her in that dying state.

He held his head in his hands. Doctors walked in n out. Every time they walked out hope came to him but they still weren't saying anything to him. The only thing he knows to do right now is pray that she's alright. Little did he know that she's also pregnant.


Nate never showed to pick up Crystal. She stood in front of the salon building and waited. She called him numerous times hoping that he's alright. He ain't picking his phone and its getting dark.

Where is he?" She thought to herself.

She ran her finger through her silky hair and checked her purse for money. She walked away from the building and started to make her way to the outer street so she could get a cab. The street lights shined brightly in her face, for it was already seven o'clock hour.

She took shaky but steady steps down the alley. Finally she made it to the outer street and waited fifteen mins for a cab.
When she got in the cab she told the driver where she was going.  As she sat in the backseat, many thoughts ran through her head. "Where could Nate possibly be?" She thought.

Ma'am you're there~ the driver said, taking her from her world of thoughts.

She handed him $20 bucks and hopped out of the car. Walked up to the front door. Seeing that Nate's car isn't home either gave her more confidence that he's not home. Unlocking the door she stepped in and closed the door behind her.

Walking to the kitchen she took out the orange juice jug. Pour some juice in a mug and try calling Nate's cell again. She sent him a message asking where he is.

Still no answer. Concerns filled her head. She tried to not think so much but then she couldn't stop worrying about Nate. After all he is her lover and she wished that he would just home come now.
Rubbing her baby bump she took a seat and called the only other person she knew and thought Nate would be with if he's at work.


He stared at the stripper with no emotions in his face. All he sees is a big booty jiggling from place to place. He took some dollar signs and threw at her just like the other horny guys are doing. The dancer did a flip and caught him staring. She kept his eye contact and did some more tricks with her hips as she moved with the beat.

Seeing that he threw the most money she already knew what he wanted next. Her boss always told her and the other strippers that whoever tipped them more they must hook up with them for more. Extra pay for her.

Knowing that he's drunk he continued to take a few shots while his eyes remained on the stripper who's dancing. He likes what he sees. His phone started to vibrate again. He ignored it and smirked at the stripper who was also staring back at him.

Waiting for her to finish dancing he drank some more. When she had finished she came down the stage and walked up on him and sat right upon. Ready to give a lap dance. As she started to whine on his trousers he gripped his around her back side. His sexual tensions arise. He wanted her right there and now. She liked how he held her down tightly. She got up and led him to a room.

He knows where this is going but cared less about it and continued following the stripper watching how her butt jiggled with every step she took. That reminds him of someone he choked halfway to death today. He shook his head and chuckled silently to himself. Walking a Lil closer he smack her butt cheeks. She didn't even flinch because she's already used to it.


The doctors walked out and he quickly got up and approached them.

Is she alright?" He questioned.

Yes she's okay for now. But she'll need to rest. So I advise you to go home and come back tomorrow. ~ one of the doctors answered. He shook his head and headed out.

Knowing that she's okay at last put him at ease. He was now relieved. He knows that he will be back right on time the next morning to visit and to ask her who did that to her. Just thinking about someone hurting her like that caused him to want to hurt someone. Left alone if he ever finds that person who did that. They will be really sorry.

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