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Tiffany POV
I hate hate Monday mornings!! I slammed my fist on my alarm clock. It wouldn't stop ringing with that stupid hen sound.

Honestly I really hate that sound but that's the only way to get me up. I'm a bed potato. I'm inlove with my lovely messy looking bed. I sniff my pillow and that's how I almost fainted .

I'm Tiffany , 16 year old lives with my mom Kristina and step dad Leo. They're very annoying but hey I got to love those peoples. And I almost forgot about the monster who also stole my mom as hers Ariana. Yes that's my little half sister from another father of course . Well not really since we both have the same mom.

Welp whatever.

I got up throwing my bed covers on the other side. I stretched out myself and yawn a little bit. Well that's a lie because it was big and loud.

"Shut up Tiffany .... You sound like a dying horse!!!!" and that's was my lovely little sister Ariana.
(Note sarcasm)
And let's not forget about my little brother Leon. He's the sweetest. He's honestly the only sibling I ever love that much.

I really hate how mom and dad still making us share a room. They say its to make us get along, which will never happen. Ariana and I been fighting since day she open her eyes into this world. But I have to be honest though. This room is huge. I have my own side with everything I need to make a perfect room and Ariana does too. Enough space to stay out of each other way and space. Besides I'm not the girly one anyways. Typical sisters huh. But hey I still have a better taste in fashion than her though.

"Hurry up!!! It's 7:15. And can you please clean your side after school"Ariana shouted once more at me.

I stick up my middle finger at her and made my way to the bathroom. I step in and turned on the light. WHOA I look like a hurricane visited me last night. Wow staring at my reflection in the mirror I really look like death. I grab my tooth brush and started my morning routine.


"Girls, come on down for breakfast!!" mom called.

I was all ready nice and clean for school. I have on my Nike red n white tennis some basketball jersey and my red joggers. And lastly I threw my hair up in a tight pony tail, applying a rose red lipstick to my pink lips. My hair is dark brown, identical to my Mother's own.

"Ugh, why can't you just take my advice one day for your outfit?" asked Ariana

I look over at her grabbing my booksack. She's dressed in a blue high waist jeans with a nude colored cut up crop top and some nude vans to go with her shirt. Her hair flat iron down to her shoulders. Well she looks great and I guess that's a simple outfit for the day.

"Well let's say because I choose what I want to wear and I don't give a damn. And besides I don't tell you how to dress. Well maybe sometimes" I said as we made our way down the steps.

"Good morning mom, dad" we both said. Well let's just say this half sister thing always kicks in at the right moment.

"Good morning sweeties!" mom says gesturing for us to sit where our plate was already waiting for us.

Mmmm strawberry pancakes and bacon. Yum yum yum! I sat down to the left side of mom and enjoyed the scent of the food for a min then eventually I shoved everything down my dungeon.

"Take your timeTiff" dad's stern voice came in breaking my savage attack on my food.

I lowered my eyes at him and he chuckled a bit. I glance over at my Aria and she was taking her precious time eating like a princess. (cringe) (ehh )
What is she? A Royal? I rolled my eyes at her stupidness and stood up with my empty plate to put it in the sink.

"C'mon Ana, we gotta go!!" I said literally dragging her from the table. She left a half eaten pancake on the plate.

Mom n dad laughed at my foolishnes whilst Ariana trying her hardest to prey me off.

"Bye mom and dad!!"

Go finish reading it on Moving away from the sidelines the sequel of this book!

#Moving away from the sidelines is coming soon.
As soon as I'm done writing 10 Chapters I'll publish It!!

Thank you so much for coming this far with Sideline Problems!!✨🙌🏾❤️


Don't forget to suggest for me to try out y'all imaginations of books y'all write also!❤️🤸🏾‍♀️ I love all of y'all ❤️❤️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️

And hey I'm always bored up, so y'all can also hit me up to talk about anything! And I really enjoy reading off of Watt Pad✨🙌🏾❤️

And to add to that guys, Please go check out this book

By queenlove509  she would really appreciate it ~#I loved Him)

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