Part 28

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Chapter 28


"Looking forward to seeing ya sexy self tonight" FromMyHubby

I lay down on my bed smiling up at the ceiling, that message from Leo just made my day. I can't wait til tonight. My boo is carrying me to dinner for a date!! The same old us again. No babies crying, no stress from work, just us two in love couples.

I got up and quickly sent him a reply back.

I walk over to my curtains and open them up to let the sun light in. Looking around my room, everything looks neat. It feels like the old me now before Nate came along. But the difference now is that I am a mother. A proud mother of Tiffany. I still can't believe she's half of Nate.


"You look amazing!!" Leo complimented me. He picked me up from the door.
We walk out together to his car. He also did the unexpected of opening my side for me.

We both settled ourselves inside his BMW car.

"Nice move there hun,trying to play a gentleman on me"I said smugly.

"Oh wow , you caught me,You look too beautiful to be opening  car doors babe when I'm right here"he says smirking .

His lips look so kissable right now,I wouldn't mind munching on them right now at the moment. I lick my lips slowly in a seductive way and we were finally out of the drive through.

"Tonight is gonna be the best night ever"Leo said.


"I would like a hot chilly lobster with a tender wrap along with a strawberry smoothie."I kindly spoke out my orders to our waitress.

She quickly wrote my order down and then turned to Leo,"And you ? What would you like?" She asked

And he said "Spaghetti with steak and a monster drink."

After she took all that down ,she smiled at us once again and went her way to get our order.

"So?" Leo said
Wait a min I have to go pee."I quickly got up and made my way to the bathroom.

And she abruptly got up and raced her way to the bathroom. I'm hoping that she's pregnant with my child and at the same time I'm not.

She looks extremely beautiful to be honest. As I waited for her to come I looked down at this menu and scanned it. I hate not having something to do so i will make it look like I'm doing something productive. Just Incase anyone might think I'm here alone.

"Hey there! Thought I would have never seen you again!" And I right there and then recognized that voice. How can I forget that beautiful voice? Not saying that it's more special than my wife to be though.

I rested the book down ,and I was nearly blown away by this beautiful fine woman sitting in front of me. "Oh hi ! Crystal right?"I Asked still in a state of shock of her beauty. Her hair was out in her cut curly bob but the ends were now in a hot red shade. Her lips were coated with a heavy wine red lipstick. And she wore a nice body tight hot red dress. And she can dress too.

"Oh you remembered! And you are Leo !"she says excitedly.

"You are very sexy tonight! Wow! You nearly blew my mind away! Please have a seat" I requested.

"Oh I thought that seat was taken for a split second" she said as she sat.

And that's when my sense came into my head. Kristina could be coming in any time right now.

"Actually it is taken" that wasn't my voice and that wasn't crystal's either. It was none other than Kristina. A furious one.

Uh Oh I mouthed to Crystal.
They both look at each other in shock as if they knew each other.

"Babe what is this?"Asked Crystal.

And that's when I almost choked on my spit.

I nearly died when she said that,the waitress had to bring me some water immediately.

"Oh so that's what is huh?"Asked a really mad Kristina causing a scene.

"Like for real , is she your girl or something?" Asked crystal.

I really don't know why Crystal is acting like this ,because last time I checked I didn't have no relation with Crystal. And now she's here to ruin my perfect Date.

"Babe there's no need for a scene because this is not what it looks like" I defended.

Kristina glared at me and grab her purse and walked out. I know I was her ride home for tonight so I excuse myself from Crystal.

"Oh wait I didn't get your number" says Crystal.

I looked back at her and took her phone from her hand and quickly typed my number in it and saved it under my name Leo.

After doing so I nearly ran out of the place. I met Kristina standing by my car waiting with her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry Kristina, but you misunderstood what just happened inside"I pleaded.

" I don't care, I don't want to hear IT! Just take me HOME!" She shouts angrily.

I unlocked the car and she got in and slammed the door hard. I myself got in also.

"Just to clear everything up, her and I has no relation. I met her by the side of the road one night. And I was just being helpful that's how we know each other" I ranted on in one breath.

She still wasn't looking my way, " I'm pregnant Leo" She said calm but in a disappointed way.

That news definitely brought Joy to me!! She's pregnant with my child!! My wife to be , the love of my life is gonna have a mini us!!

"Oh my Love , baby ,This is GREAT NEW!!!"I nearly jump out of my seat to hug her. I'm so happy.

No happy smile was on her face though. "Why aren't you happy baby?"I asked.

She shrugged, "So you're cheating on me with her huh?"

"No babe , I would never cheat on you! And besides she's just a friend I met like last two weeks ago. I've never kept in contact with her from since til today."I said

But the truth is I was checking her out and she did look just as beautiful as you. I wanted to say that but I couldn't. If I did I would've gotten slapped. I'll just word it in a better way.

"I did tell her she looked mind blowing that dress babe, I told her she looked beautiful. And I have to admit I did kinda check her out. I'm sorry ,please don't hold that against me. I promise we don't have any relation between us." I said honestly.

She finally looked my way with a smile on her face.

"Huh?" I didn't expect her to smile , is this the way she's gonna start her argument tonight?

"Thanks for being honest babe. I understand that you are a male. You all do that. But Never ever do that again and don't you try to get into her panties" she threatened lightly.

"Yes baby  I promise with my heart! All of me belongs to you. I'm all yours" I said with a smirk and pecked her on the lips gently.

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