Part 33

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Chapter 33

Kristina POV

"Kristina wake up!!"shouts Arii, I stir up in my slumber. I had such a nice dream Mann.

The sun blurred my eyes for a few seconds , it took me a minute for me to adjust to such day light seeping through the window. I abruptly got up and swung my legs over into my fluffy slippers.

"I'm up!!" I shouted back. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked for any messages and yes I had many from only one person.

As I walked over to the bathroom I heard the giggling of Tiff downstairs with Arii. Oh boy these two are really crazy. We had such a crazy week, boy Arii is surely a fun crazy friend.


"Hear  me out please!"he begged.

I shot daggers at Arii with my eyes. She laughed nervously and took Tiffany upstairs with her so she could give us space.

After doing my morning routine upstairs I care downstairs to the sight of Leo sitting facing Arii with Tiffany on her lap. I mentally choked her for allowing it, but I needed this. We really need to talk. I can't let Crystal break my strong relationship with Leo.

"Let's talk," I said, sitting next to him on the couch.

He swallowed nervously and ran his finger through his hair. He always does that when he's nervous. "First off I miss you very much. And I'm sorry"he said,

"I miss you too , and sorry too for not hearing you out"I replied quicker than I thought.

He looked down at my present flat tummy. "I didn't sleep with her baby, I swear. I was just giving her a massage and lost track of time. She gave me some water and I became very sleepy and she took me to the guest room to sleep the night." He said surrendering with his hands up.

I laughed and wrapped my hand around him into a hug. I took him by surprise so it took him a moment to realize that I was hugging him, and he hugged me back. "I know you didn't babe. I forgive you"I said and then his soft lips were on mine. I kissed him back as if my life depended on it. I was craving his touch all this time, I don't know why I'm so quick to jump to conclusions. I guess it's  a women natural thing to jump to conclusions like Kevin Hart once said in his show.

We made out for what felt like eternity but it was only a few seconds before we had to break out to breath. And then comes Arri with Tiff. Good thing we weren't caught kissing but we are caught all close up.

"So I'm  guessing everything is good now" she says and kisses Tiffany's forehead.

"Yeah everything is good!"I state out happily through myself in his grasps once more.

We got up and our way upstairs to my bedroom to finish off our kissing in private. But no sex though!

"Let's go out tonight to the movies baby?"he asked and I nodded my head yes.

"Just the two of us?"now it was me asking,  I'm so in love with him. I took a brief moment to adore his fine self. Yet his personality is everything I need in a husband. See that's why he fits that title So well!

"Yes baby!!Just the two of us"he says between kisses.

He held me up against the wall caressing my thighs as we made out. I eagerly kissed him back as hard as I could. We move our lips together so fast creating our own sync. Him feeling my thighs up and with me ravishingly running my fingers through his locks. Soon enough his little friend hardens and arises. I smirked though his lips and let go. This gonna be long. I watch his little friend get hardened and walk off.

"Oh come on Kristina. Don't do this to me"he pleaded with me, but I only smirked harder and shook my head no.

"At least play with it or something?"

"No it's pay back babe, get used to it. Go shower to get rid of it bae!''I said, shooing him away to the bathroom.

I adjusted myself and slowly walked back to the living room and met Arii on her phone with Tiff on her lap watching a cartoon on tv.

"Took ya long enough"says Arii whilst still lost on her phone. I blushed hard and reached out to take Tiffany off her lap. Tiff spread her small arms out to me and I picked her up. She is so cute , my beautiful daughter.

I took her to the next couch and plop down with Tiffany in my hands to watch some tv. I reached out for my phone while I did so. I was now on twitter checking out the latest news or gossip.

I quickly look towards Arii for the source of sound and light. She just snapped a picture on her phone of Tiff and I.

"Awe thanks, send it to me now"I said not even asking to see the picture before she does so.


"What's going on here?"Asked Leo as he came up in view. I look at him and check him out from top to bottom. My mouth became watery. I honestly could have him any time of the day with no hesitations.

"Nothing, and Kristina can you not eye rape him here. There's a kid right there" says Arii , and roll my eyes at her.

"Oh please I've seen better" I joke around, and Leo pretends to be hurt for a few seconds.

"And she surely knows how to break my heart boyy" says Leo and took Tiff out of my hand.

He kissed her up and she giggled as he lifted her up and down. That girl is truly a happy baby. She smiles with everyone, even strangers. I really don't understand her sometimes. I guess she's going to be a very happy child growing up into a happy adult. I hope that's how she grows up to be.

"We're going to the movies later Arii. Can you watch Tiffany for us please?''asked Leo, I looked at him but didn't say anything.

Ariel's smile widens "Sure!! Why ask? I love this snuggle bug more than anything so of course I'll always watch over her!" She says happily.

"Thank you so much!!"

Both Leo and I looked at each other and smirked. Tonight is going to be a night to remember aye!

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