Part 26

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Chapter 26

Nate POV

"You have to learn to forgive me. We can still work things out please. I've changed, I promise." I begged Crystal.

We are on a blind date. She wasn't expecting it to be me, but she stayed anyway. It was all set up by her friends and me. They wanted to take her on a blind date, so it happens to be me she had to face today. This is actually the first time I've seen her since she last left. Everything has changed about her. Her hair is cut in a cute Bob hair style. She got a little bigger and she got a nose piercing. Looks like she's been doing very well without me. Especially the way she's glaring at me right now tells me how much she really hates my guts.

" how can I just forgive you? You bastard. You're so sick Nathan. You caused our daughter's death. It was all your fault. You cheating bastard." she cried. And wipes a few tears off her face as they continue to roll down. "You made me hate myself,Every bit of it. Countless nights after my daughter died, I'd cry myself to sleep. All that was on my mind is you cheating and my baby. It's all your fault. YOUR F***ING FAULT". she shouted with the tears streaming down her face heavily.

My heart began to beat rapidly and I've come to regret ever treating her like this. She's right it was all my fault that Amila died. If only I didn't start this affair with Kristina then none of this would've happened. At this moment I began to get nervous.

" Look Crystal, I'm really sorry. I really don't know how much time I'll say it, but I am. I know it ain't changing anything but you have to understand. I've messed up and am willing to change that it's you I love.  But really I've changed. Just give me a chance to start over please "I begged desperately.

She sobs quietly and looks away from me. But somehow I remain frozen in place and just stare at her as my heart skips a  beat. I swallowed very hard being afraid of her outcomes which looks like I won't be getting anytime soon.

I sat there being as useless as ever. I wanted to reach out to her and just wrap my arms around her. Hold her in my arms and rock her whilst saying everything will be okay. Sadly I can't, she wouldn't let me touch her. She can't even stand being in the same room as me. Imagine me reaching to touch her.

Yes we're at the private part of this expensive restaurant. I knew this whole blow off would've happened, so I rented this part for the night.

Not knowing what else to do I gently took one of her hands into mines. "Crystal baby, I'm really sorry for everything. You really didn't deserve none of my bull*. I'm sorry" I finished off and surprisingly she didn't grab her hand back.

She picked up a napkin and started wiping her face, still not looking at me, as I glared down at her. "I'm sorry but may you excuse me" was the only thing she said before she got up and left.

I watched her walk out on me. By the slamming of the door my heart dropped. I sat there alone. Replaying what just happened over and over again in my head. Looks like I really lost her.


Crystal pov

I walked out of the restaurant with a lump stuck on my chest. Tears are still finding their way down my face. As soon as I got to my car, I hopped in. I really can't wait to get home because I'm gonna have my friends' heads. How dare they set me up with him after all I've told them about him.

Thinking more about everything that just happened made me drive even faster. My eyes stayed fixed on the busy road. It's dark but clear enough to see many other cars and the road.

Speeding off so fast I came to a halt and stopped. Letting frustration get to me, I allowed all the tears I held back to fall out. This is the first time that we've really talked about my lost baby. I so wish she was still alive. I've missed her even though I only held her once.

I can't do this anymore. Can't continue to live a fake happy life because the truth is I still love Nate. But I'm too stubborn to allow myself to go back to him. It'll take years before I can fully forgive him. See why I wanted to stay away from him and yet he still found his way into my life.
I miss my old real happy life. Sitting in the car still thinking about when me and Nate first met.It was so funny how I played hard to get but eventually give into him.


Life can never get better for me. I can't move on, honestly I tried. Somehow I'm still stuck with Nate on my mind. I need to move on. I need to find a better person but every time I do that Nate always comes messing up with my head. Every time I meet someone new to date. I could never find myself to accept this person. Ughhhhhhhhhh, It's all because of Nathan. I rest my head on the driving wheel. Thinking about how am gonna forget about him

<<bam, boom>>someone knocked on my car window. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that someone crept up next to my car.

I rolled down the car window to greet the stranger. To my surprise there stood a mind blowing fine nigga. Broad shoulders, light skinned,dark brown eyes and his right hand tattooed up. He's so fine 😍 I'm now stuck in a daze.

"Excuse me, I miss..... Are u okay??" the stranger waved his hand in my face.

I cracked a small smile. And nods my head. "Ummm what's your problem?" I asked kindly.

"Oh ain't nothing , I just somehow saw you on the side of the road. And I wanted to make sure that everything was okay" he explained.

I smiled at the thought. The sight of him is so unbearable. He's so fine, I'm literally gushing. I need to get his number. He'll totally erase every memory of Nate.

"Oh Thanks. But I'm okay, I was just you know thinking" I replied.

" Alright looks like you're okay so I'll be on my way" he says, giving me a small smile. "I'm Leo by the way and you are?" he asked.

"Oh uh um I'm Crystal" I replied with a smirk.

"well it was nice meeting you." was all he said before walking off.

I watched as he retreated to his car and drove off. Awe he was so kind to stop his car to check on a stranger like me. I didn't know there were still generous people like that on earth. Crap I forgot to ask him for his number. I'll see him again around I hope.

Checking the time I started my car, and reversing out of the road. This night has just begun!

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