Part 37

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Chapter 37

Baby shower.....

Kristina POV

"HAPPY BABY SHOWER!!!!"shouted everyone who was hiding around in the room I entered.

Tears quickly found their way up in my eyes. All my people were here and Leo's family! Even Tiffany and my baby were here including Nate! Why is he here? I let that slide.

"Wow!!" I shouted in glee. They all had been planning this surprise baby shower very well together. Wow! I'm shocked.

I walk over to everyone trying my best to give each and everyone a hug but you know , I'm huge now I can't really do so. I looked over at Leo and smiled even bigger. Is this what he had been hiding from me all this time? I look at his parents in Awe! I'm so grateful that they were able to make it to this and also put up an effort for this. I'm also grateful that they accepted this baby, well after all it's Leo's. I walk to them and they both embrace me in a big hug.

I looked over at my family and was surprised to see my sister here. She doesn't really support me on anything. We've grown distant to each other. All my life I've tried to get on her good side but never made it to that. She smiles at me and I can see that's real. I walked to her and hugged her and she hugged back. "Congrats sis!" She says.

"Where's my lil niece and nephew at?" I asked looking around for them when I broke away from the hug.

"Ah well you know it's your day today so I left them home with dads!" She's gesturing towards me.

And if you were wondering what's the baby gender , I do not know it either myself. I told the doctor not to tell me. I wanted it to be a surprise to me but I'm sure Leo knows. And those people are so good that they decorate this place in such a nice way that still leaves me lost in knowing the gender. The place is decorated in yellow and white strips of followers and balloons. A big chair decorated only with yellow which looks like it is a chair for me to sit on. The presents are all covered with white wrappers with different shades of colors. Everyone's dress code is the same color. Yellow

I love it already. A table far back is covered with a lot of food and beverages. No wine or alcoholic drinks whatsoever.

Leo walked over to me and grabbed me into his clutch by surprise. He spun me around and then placed a gentle kiss on my nose. And out of nowhere he took out a silver decorated Crown and placed it on top of my head. (Splash📸) someone snapped a picture of us. "Surprise mama!" He says ever so sexually and kisses me.

"You like it?" He asked and I nodded my head yes.

"Babe I want you to meet my best friend, Brother you can say" he says as he leads the crowd of people we had here. Here is so full! I'm nervous.

We walked towards a guy with blonde hair who was charming an unknown lady. He looked at Leo and I and grinned widely at us! Okay that's creepy. "Hey Kyle! My boy, how has it been" says Leo doing a handshake with him.

"Isn't she so beautiful! Wow I didn't know you had such good taste Le!" He says eyeing me out. I back away nervously blushing. Leo reached out to me and pulled me back.

"Stop it Kyle, this is my soon to be wife that I've been talking about everyday with you Kristina!" Leo says pointing at me, "And Kristina this is my douche face friend Kyle."

And I burst out laughing at that. Kyle playfully glared at him and cleared his throat. "Let me properly introduce myself"he sent one more glare at Leo before looking at me smiling, "Myself"

"I am the great Kyle , this shit bag here Best Bro from another family!" He said, taking my hand up to his lips and kissing it.

"Well nice to meet you!" I squealed unexpectedly.

I did not mean to squeal like that. I'm just so excited , and the baby is also. I can feel it moving around and about in there. And yes I'm 5 months along. In one more month I'll be married and will be counting days for the arrival of this baby.

"You're very beautiful! I'm sure this baby will be bomb smexy or handsome!" He says offering a small smile.

Leo gently took my hand out of his and led me away from Kyle. "He's cool!" I commented.

"I know, that's why he's my best buddy you know. You look absolutely breathtaking in the sundress by the way. And this baby bump surely suits you"he whispered in my ears.

"Okay now everybody let's get this baby shower party started!! It's time for the mother to find out the gender!!" Someone shouts over a mic.

I looked up towards the stage I didn't notice was there. The unknown lady who Kyle was flirting with made the announcement.

"C,mon babe there is the balloon up there that you have to burst. And then it will sprinkle out the color to indicate the baby's gender"Leo says happily.

I nervously made my way to the balloon and just in time someone handed me a big sharp needle. I look over at now giggling Tiffany in Nate's arm. She's clapping at nothing whatsoever. She's such a happy baby. My happy baby, I blew her a kiss.

"Wow I'm really nervous about this" I said to no one in particular. And no one heard me.

I tightly held the needle up between my fingers. I look up at the balloon and then glance at everyone in the room. Arii waved at me and I waved back. My mom and dad held unto each other. My brother Jonathan smiled at me holding his daughter in his arms.

I held it higher to the balloon and gently placed it against it and then pressed pressure on it. (Boom)

It popped and closed my eyes at the loud sound of the bopping of the balloon. Everyone screamed and shouted "Congratulations" and I slowly opened my eyes and stared down at the floor.

It's ...............a...............


Leo came out of nowhere and embraced me in a hug again. I honestly will never get enough of being held like this by him. We're having a baby girl!!!! Another daughter for me!! We stood in that position for a long time, it felt like only us were in this room at the moment. I started to tear up right there and then. Emotional wreck (pregnancy symptoms).
I love my small family and I.

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