Part 12

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Chapter 12~

Kristina POV

Slowly I felt life came back to me. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. My body hurts without having to  do any movements. I wonder where I am?

Numerous thoughts ran through my head.
Am I still on the floor? No it can't be because my back feels like it's on something softer. I tried to move one of my arms but it didn't budge. Had Nate hurt me some more when I had passed out? Why can't I move?

I started to panic when the thought of my baby came to my head. I have to get up. I kept trying to move. Panicking inside, I even tried to yell but my body is too weak to do so. My neck is aching worse than any other part of my body.

Then I start to hear people mumbling. Where are those peoples? Who are they?

Not giving up kept trying and trying.

"My baby" I yelled, opening my eyes finally. Bright lights shot my eyes and closed them again tightly. My throat is sore as ever.

Oh she's awake now~ Unknown person said.

I opened my eyes again , looking up I saw three nurses peering their faces around me.
Ignoring them staring down at me. I sat up and looked around. How did I get here?

The room was colored in light gray walls with a white ceiling. The smell of chlorine invaded my nostrils. Seriously they had to use that much clorox? Anyways back to reality.

What am I doing here? Last thing I remembered was Nate ending my life, so why am I here awake?

One of the nurses quickly handed me a cup of water. I drank it all down without hesitations. For all I know, I wouldn't  care less  even if they had poison in it.

Taking the cup from me, they finally settled down and focused on my awakening. They each held a portfolio in their hands. I don't see why all of them had to come cause I'm only one person and there's like three of them in my room.

Red Haired Nurse: We're glad that you've woken up Ms. Rose. And wanted to tell you that you're okay. And about the baby you mention in your outburst couple seconds ago. It's alright also.

I nod my head, taking in all the information she's giving me. Taking in her appearance also. She's dressed in light blue pants with a white shirt and her red hair is tied up in a messy bun.

Brown hair male doctor: We've also learned that someone was choking you. Am I right??

He stared me down with his piercing gray eyes. He looks as if he's reading my soul under those glasses he's wearing. Yes I was being choked by Nate I don't think that it's the doctors' business though.

Me: Y- yeah I was.

Doctor: We've noticed. It's a good thing your boyfriend brought you here as fast as he could've or else you would've lost the baby or even die.

"Boyfriend??" That a very foreign word to me.

"Yeah him. He ran in here with you in his hands last night shouting for us to help you. He said that he's your boyfriend." Said the red hair nurse.

I stared at them as if they're crazy but then realization hits on. Maybe Nate does has a heart after all. After choking  me  halfway to death he tried to save me. I can't believe he told them that he's my boyfriend. When we were happily together before this pregnancy, he never referred to himself as my boyfriend even when I would say it many times to him. I guess I was really trying too hard to get him to love me for real. How could I have been so dumb? He never really liked me, did he?

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