Chapter 1

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Dealing with Jealousy 

I was sitting under the tree that the boys and I always claim, when Maria and Gemma walked past. Over the past year, I've been trying my best to get to know Maria, but there wasn't a lot I could find out because Cody was so damn protective over her. Even her best friend Gemma wasn't going to spill anything. I knew she wouldn't, from what I heard from Cody, Gemma has been at Maria's side since they met in the second grade. I watched as Bailey their friend that they met last year come running up to them from the bus stop. I have tried to talk to Bailey about Maria but to be honest the girl scares the shit out of me. I watched as Cody went up to his sister and gave her a one-armed hug. Maria's eyes caught mine and I gave her a little smile. That's when Zeke Simons, some prick that thinks that he's cool caught me looking at her. "Who's that Hannover? Another one of your conquests?"

"Get Fucked Simons."

"Oh, touchy touchy Hannover, you know what? Since you're too much of a pussy. I'm going to ask Cody's sister out." Before I could say anything the fucking bastard was walking over to the girls.

"Hey FuckBoi!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Maria's friends Gemma and Bailey walking up to me.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked, a little bit unsure.

"I don't see another fuckboi, do you?" Bailey asked as she put her hands on her hips. It was recess and I was surprised that they weren't with Maria. "Cody and Maria went to the canteen, we need to talk." Bailey said, her eyes were watching me, actually more like analysing me.

"What's up?"

"You need to get with Maria." Bailey said.

"What the fuck!"

"Bailey, you didn't explain it right." Gemma said putting her hand on Bailey's shoulder. "Some asshole, came up to us this morning and full on asked Maria out, and she said yes!"

"That fucking asshat!" I said before storming off to where I knew Zeke was hanging out. "You mother fucking son of a bi-"

"Now, now Hannover, we are in the presents of two ladies." Zeke said getting up from his seat. "Gemma and Bailey right? Well we will become equated very soon, with me dating your sister from another mister and all." Zeke smirked before walking off to his friends, I really wanted to go over there and rip his fucking head off but I was already on probation for speaking back to the teacher in Science. Its not my fucking fault that I didn't understand what the hell she was saying.

"What are you doing!" Bailey asked, well yelled in my ear. "Go after the bastard! Make him pay for stealing your girl. Do something!"

"Why would I do anything? Maria is not my girl."

"Yet." Bailey said, her finger in the air. "Wait!" she yelled before running off.

Gemma just laughed, said goodbye and ran off after Bailey.

"Now in Romeo and Juliet... Mr Hannover!" the teacher yelled from her spot at the front of the room.

"Yes miss?"

"Is there something more important than English that has captivated your attention?"

"No, of course not miss, there is nothing I want more than to listen to a dead guy's plays." I said sarcastically.

"Well than you'll have no problem with reading the next scene now will you?"

"WHAT! No!" but the teacher ignored me.

"Now I need a Juliet... Maria." Maria was writing something in her book when her name was called out. Her head snapped up in surprise.

"Yes miss."

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