Chapter 15

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Playing House isn't so Bad

The trip ended with us packing up Gemma's stuff for her and Ian riding a different bus from us home.

About a week later, everyone was trying to figure out if Gem was okay or not.

"How are you feeling Little Firecracker?" Mitch asked, as Maria and Gemma arrived to the tree where we hangout during our lunch, recess and before school.

"Still sore?" Neil smirked but there was a sense of caring underneath, that we didn't see often with Neil but we all knew it was there just the same.

Maria laughed and sat down next to me, I hated that I didn't get to take her to school this morning but she told me that Gemma's mum called her and asked her to go with Gemma to school this morning. "Guys, even injured she could still kick you asses, so lay off her." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and instantly she turns her head to give me a quick kiss.

"Thanks Mare, I couldn't have said it better myself." Gem and Mare hi-five before Gem dumped her bag next to us.

"You going to sit?" Cody asked.

"If I sit, I don't think I'll be able to stand up, I'm good." Gem dismissed, I glanced quickly at Maria, and saw the worry plain on her face, I knew that everyday she was growing more concerned about her friend.

Before our conversation continued, Bailey came running over to us from the buses. "Hey! You ready for what the rumour mill has to offer this morning?" Bailey and Neil were our rumour mill consultants (as they called themselves) the girls were always interested but we guys could take it or leave it. The rumours where just that same as any other day, Gemma and Cody did something, Ocean had a threesome, Cody was with some other chick, Tammie and Zeke are at it again, another one about Gemma and Cody – one that made Neil smirk, yep there was the culprit right there – and the last one was about two teachers dating.

Kayden joined us just as his girlfriend was wrapping things up. "We have a year meeting in the hall, period five today." Bailey added, making everyone groan.

"And we're getting an assessment the following period." Maria remembered, I had no idea how she knew about that but I was groaning again.

"Stop ruining my day! It hasn't even started yet." Gemma whined. "Its bad enough as it is." The bell rang and the rest of us split up into different directions.

By the time period five came around there were more rumours surrounding what the assessment was about. Gemma, Maria, Bailey, Cody, Kayden and I were sitting on the edge of the stage, with the rest of the grade in front and behind us in various stages of sitting. We were all laughing and talking when the PE teacher came up to us and clapped her hands.

"We're mixing it up a little this year, and have decided that your grade will continue doing partner dancing, just like years seven to ten."

"Damn twelvies!" someone yelled, causing Cody, Kayden, me and half the grade to burst into laughter.

The teacher just continued, having being used to this grade for so long. "You all remember the rules. Boy asks girl, girl has to say yes. Find a partner and stand somewhere in the middle of the room."

Grabbing Maria's hand, I jumped down from the stage and helped her down, the both of us found a space at the end of the hall, big enough for our group. I watched as Cody paired with Gemma and Kayden paired himself with Bailey, it didn't take long for the rest of the gang to spread out around us, but none of us really was registering what was going on. We – or rather – the twins were having a very important conversation.

"Spider-man would totally kick James Bond's ass, what you have you been smoking, Cody?" Mare asked, her arms folding in front of her, a cute little frown creasing her brows together.

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