Chapter 10 - Part A

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Have the Roles Reversed? - Summer Between Year 10 and 11

Knocking on the door to the twins house I was surprised when Cody opened the door, his eyes were bloodshot and there was a clear bottle of liquor in his hand.

"What the fuck are you doing Cody?" I asked, barging my way through the door. "Where is Maria?" she didn't need to see her brother in this state.

"With Bailey and Gemma." Was all he slurred, as he slumped down on his couch.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked again.

"Drinking away the pain, what the fuck do you think I'm doing?" he slurred, taking another swing of what looked like vodka.

I tried to take the bottle out of his hand but he dodged me with good – well good enough – reflexes. "Cody, give me the bottle."

"Why should I?"

"Because when Maria comes home, she is going to be worried about you in this state." I knew using Maria was a low blow but I also knew that it was the only way that Cody was going to respond.

Reluctantly Cody handed over the bottle. "She's going out with him, she's not mine anymore, she's never going to be mine."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, having a weird feeling in my stomach.

"Gemma, she's going out with Ian Maxwell, she's not going to be mine." Cody just sat there, on his couch, staring at nothing.

"Did you want her to be yours?" I asked, hoping to get at least some information.

"She has been mine since I met her in the second grade. Since I was 8 fucking years old."

"You never told her that."

"Because, I'm too much of a chicken shit to do so."

I just looked at him, "What the fuck am I going to do with you Cody?" I eventually got him into bed and sleeping off the quarter of vodka that he had drunk.

There went seeing Maria, instead I spent the rest of the night comforting her brother as he threw up all the alcohol his breakfast and probably the night before dinner.

I had somehow convinced Maria to stay over at Bailey's house, that night without saying anything about her brother.

Maybe a week after I found Cody pissed off his mind. Maria and I were sitting on her couch, well I was sitting she was laying on me, her feet tucked under her butt and her head resting on my chest.

It was a rare moment that was just the two of us. Her friends were with their own boyfriends, and Cody was out with one of the girls the he lets frequent his bed, Gemma gave them the name of 'Frequent Flyers' and the name stuck.

Cody and Gemma's relationship had become a little hostile since she started dating that prick Ian, I could tell that Maria wanted to do something about them but I also knew that she had no idea what she could do.

That's when a thought crossed my mind, a chance to get Gemma away from Ian and the dangers there and into Cody's arms. Plus it gave me some time to spend alone with Maria.

"I want to do something." I blurted out.

"What? Right now?" Maria asked, looking up at me.

"No, I mean, I want to do something about Gem and that asshole, she's with."

"You and me babe," I fucking loved it when she called me babe, it was like her way of showing how I was hers. "but what can we do?"

"We can go camping, you, me, Cody, Gem, maybe even get Bailey and Kayden to come. They could share a tent, we could too, make Gem and Cody share one. That can be phase one." As soon as the ideas popped into my head I blurted them out.

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