Chapter 2

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Year 9 - This is Getting Ridiculous 

Over the past year, I have tried not to watch Maria in such a creepy way but sometimes without knowing I was doing it I would find my eyes on her and right now was no exception. "You watching my girlfriend like some creep Hannover?" Zeke said as he past me and the guys. I really wanted to go up to him and punch him in his face but I wasn't going to, I was on warning again for punching some kid in my grade who was picking on a year 7 kid.

"How about you go and fuck yourself Poser." I heard Gemma say from behind the prick.

"Why Gemma, you certainly have a mouth on you, I wonder..." Zeke smirked before walking off.

Gemma shook her head before sitting down next to me. "I have a plan." She states. I look at her with confusion.


"I have a plan to get you and Maria together also to get rid of that asshole, I really can't stand him."

Sighing, I said. "What's the plan?"

"I need you to interrogate Zeke one recess, I wanna see how far we can push him before he cracks, we want him to crack, he has to say something that will be insulting and get you so riled up that you'll threaten to punch him, I'll get Bailey to tell Maria when you've done it so that it seems like she heard it through the rumour mill, Maria will want to 'save' that good-for-nothing ass, you'll ask her for a kiss, then when you do kiss, she'll realise that Zeke is an ass and you'll both live happily ever after." Gemma took in a deep breath before looking at me like I was to approve the plan.

"um... sounds great but repeat that again because I didn't understand a word you said."

"Right, you're not used to my fast talking are you? No, Maria and Bailey are because they've had to deal with it for so long but you hardly know me, well I mean, you do know me because I'm Maria's friend and Cody and you are friends..." Gemma looked at me, realising that she was rambling again. "Sorry, anyway the plan..." taking a deep breath Gemma explained what her plan was to me again but slowly. "Bailey and I want you to interrogate Zeke to the point where he is going to say something that makes you want to hit him."

"Everything he says makes me want to hit him." Gemma glared at me, "Sorry, continue."

"Anyway, when he says the insult, we want you to threaten to punch him, just threaten right now, you can actually punch him later. You have to let me know when you've done it so that I can tell Bailey – who is like our gossip informer – and she will tell Maria, making Maria want to help Zeke and she will come to you. You'll ask for a kiss to save his ass, and when you kiss, she'll be like Zeke who? And you'll be the cutest couple ever."

"Great plan Gem, there is only one problem... Maria has a brother."

"Oh don't worry about Cody, I can handle him." Gemma grinned before grabbing her phone out of her pocket and holding it out for me. "Put your number in, that way when you've done the thing with Zeke you can tell me and I'll tell Bailey." I hesitantly took her phone. "Don't worry, I wont be giving out your phone number to anyone... unless it's Maria."

I smiled at her before programing my number into her phone. Within seconds I got a text from Gem. I saved her under MatchMakingFairy.

This was it, I was going to get this girl.

I got the okay from Gemma the Friday after our exchange. I was on my way over to my friends when I passed Maria, she wasn't looking at me, she actually had her head down with her hair creating a curtain, as I walked past her I got a scent that would stick with me forever, she smelt like vanilla and flowers, as she scurried past me I saw that something came out of her bag, which I don't think she knew was opened. Bending down to pick up the item I realised that it was a pen, I started to shake my head, I couldn't really think that this pen was so important to her did I? but still I picked up the pen and tucked it away before continuing over to my friends.

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