Chapter 13

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Month After Month, Birthday After Birthday 


Gemma and Maria were in the kitchen finishing off the rest of Bailey and Kayden's cakes and I'm pretty sure Gemma was getting her hair done.

Cody and I were in the lounge room already good to go for this birthday beach thing, Cody had put on a random movie from Netflix but neither of us were really watching.

"I don't think I could live in a world where Gemma is just my friend." Cody murmured, shocking the hell out of me.


"I don't like her being with Ian instead of me, I know I have no claim on her but I care too much about her to not at least try right?"

I was about to speak when Gemma came into hearing distance. "What are we taking?" she asked grabbing her bag that she dropped at the door.

"Mum's car," Mare replied starting to struggle with the cakes on the island. "she left it for Cody to use, and it'll fit all our stuff." She went to grab both the cakes off the island but I knew that there would be a complete disaster, so in a flash I was by her side and grabbing the chocolate cake out of her arms.

"You're so chivalrous, baby." Maria had to stand on her tip toes and even then I had to bend down a little so that she could kiss my cheek.

"Just for you Heaven, just for you."

Maria and I climbed into the back seat of her mum's car, leaving Gemma and Cody to sit in the front. I couldn't stop myself from grabbing her hand after we had our seat belts on and Cody was taking off towards the beach.

"Are Tyler, Caleb and stuff coming?" she asked.

"Yep." Cody answered, as he pulled into the parking lot across from the beach. "You think that they would miss this?"

Bailey and Kayden arrived a few moments later, and between the six of us we had everything set up, Maria putting her speakers on the food table and started the playlist that she, Bailey and Gemma had put together.

The three of them started to dance just as the other guys showed up. "Now this is a party!" Neil yelled from behind us.

"Shut the fuck up Grayson!" Cody, Kayden and I yelled at the same time, I knew that Cody was pretty protective of Gemma but this would have been the first time I'd actually seen Kayden like this about Bailey. I was glad to see it to be honest, that girl just like her friends deserves to be cared for by someone who isn't going to fuck her over.

Neil gave us each the finger and started to dance with our girls, Mitch joined them but the other guys helped set up the fire and the gazebo, by the time we had everything set up, everyone else that Bailey and Kayden invited started to arrive.

The party continued, Maria and I snuck off early on and made out on the beach, it was later in the celebration when I found Cody talking with the guys and some girls that the gang had been flirting with. "Dude." I grabbed Cody's attention while everyone else was watching Neil strike out with a chick. "we need to talk."

Cody nodded and the two of us moved away so that we wouldn't be overheard by anyone.

"You said something before." I started, hoping that he would bring it up himself.

"You mean about Gemma and her being with Asshole Ian?" Cody asked, taking a drink from his cup. Fuck I hope that wasn't alcohol. He was the only one able to drive tonight.

I only nodded, I knew that he needed to speak to someone and he reached out to me before.

"I don't know what to tell you Danny." Cody started pacing, a habit both the twins have when they're stressed. "I mean I have these absolute, crazy, intense feelings for gem, like ever since I realised what girls are, probably way before that to be honest, and now I just feel like I'm losing her and to Ian fucking Maxwell of all people. FUCK! I just feel like I'm going crazy!" Cody ran both his hands through his hair.

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