Chapter 10 - Part B

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Pulling Out All The Stops

After the girls and the guys got everything that was needed for this trip, Gemma had meticulously packed our bags, and then she packed the cars up exactly to her liking. I can see why the twins groaned when Gemma started talking packing.

She not only did a run through of where everything should be in your suitcase but then if it wasn't packed properly – like mine was – she would take everything out and pack it again.

I was just thankful that the day finally arrived when we would be able to get out of The Shire for a few days and just be reckless teenagers.

Dad had insisted on dropping me around to the twin's house, and I had to agree with him, the twins lived a few suburbs over from where my family is, and walking it would have killed me, there was no point in driving because then I would be leaving my car out the front for the entire time we were away.

Dad finally pulled into the drive way around nine. I sent a text to Maria to let her know that I was out the front and before I knew it, there she was, standing by the steps of her place dressed in cute shorts that just hit around mid thigh and a black singlet top that was for sure a little low cut but god she looked beautiful.

I was out of the car before anyone could stop me. "Hey Heaven." I said kissing her, forgetting everything in that one moment.

"Daniel?" I heard my dad call.


"Shit." I said turning around, not letting Maria out of my sight or out of my arms for even a second. "Yeah Dad?"

"When you told your mother and I that you had a girlfriend, you left out that she was Brooke's daughter." I shook my head, grabbed Maria's hand and brought her over to my dad's drivers side.

I knew that we wanted to keep us on the down low for a while but there was no escaping this.

"Mare, Dad, even though you've both already met, Maria this is my dad Joseph, Dad this is Maria, my girlfriend."

"Pleased to meet you." Maria said in her most polite fashion, her beautiful smile on her face.

"Has anyone told you that you look exactly like your mother?" dad asked smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes sir, and I am proud to my mother's mini me."

Dad smiled again at Maria and I, "Good work boy." He said before backing out on the street again.

"So I take it your dad approves of me." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Even if he didn't Heaven, you'd still be mine." We were about to kiss when a car door slammed shut.

"Hey love birds!" Gem shouted, her hyper attitude travelling from yesterday to today.

"How many cups of coffee have you had?" Maria asked, untangling herself from me, leading the both of us inside. I couldn't help but watch her ass swing in those tiny shorts that she was wearing. Maria Payton Hart was perfect from her body to her personality.

"Zero, zilch, zip." Gem said, dragging me out of my staring. "I woke up exactly fifteen minutes ago. I'm high on life!"

Maria just shook her head, "This is going to be a long weekend."

"Sleeping in, late nights, no adults, what are you talking about?" I said, ready to defend this weekend. "This will be an epic weekend." I couldn't help but smirk.

"Speaking of epic." Gem said. "Where are your portable speakers and do I smell pancakes?"

We left about five minutes after Bailey and Kayden arrived at the twin's house. Kayden looked completely nervous, which was understandable he didn't know most of us, and we had only had a few conversations when we somehow managed to be at the same event our parents dragged us to.

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