Chapter 5

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When Luck Comes Knocking

it was a few weeks after the reunion at Maria and Cody's grandparents house, and Maria was still on my mine, seeing her in those swimmers the other day did not stop the thoughts running through my head and let me tell you that her brother would not like those thoughts at all. 

I was stuck in my head when Cody came running up to me, a sort of worried smile on his face. "Hey Code, what's up?" 

"I kinda fucked up bad... I convinced Maria that she could drive mum's car while she was away and well, she kinda backed into one of the dumpsters that the front of the school. Mum is going to kill us."

"Uh yeah she is... is Maria okay though?" 

"Yeah she'e fine, she's actually talking with our cousin Tia about finding Neil, you haven't seen him have you?" 

Neil? Yeah, I hadn't seen him but I knew where he was. "Party at his last night... pretty sure he's still at home." 


"Hey Hannover!" I turned to see a blonde looked Maria walking up to me, her hands on her hips and some serious attitude in her steps. "Hey cousin." she said to Cody.

"Hey Tia." Cody said. "What are you doing here?" 

"Helping out Mare of course." she stuck her tongue out. "seeing as it is your fault for making her drive to school this morning." she turned her attention back to me. "Have you seen my dickhead of an ex?"

"Party last night." was all I said. 

"Makes sense." Tia nodded. "does anyone else in your little group know how to fix a back headlight or am I going to have to call Neil up and offer him something in return, I swear that guy is like Rumpelstiltskin." 

"I can fix it." I said without thinking, both Tia and Cody looked at me, Cody knew that I was full of shit but Tia, her eyes started to bat. 

"You will! Brilliant! but wait... what do you want in return?" 

"I want a kiss, but, an no offence but not from you." I was seriously hoping that she would catch ma drift and not make me say what I wanted in front of the girl's cousin.

"From who." Tia smiled at me slyly. 

I looked between Cody and Tia for a second, hoping beyond hope that the bell would save me from this very awkward situation. closing my eyes i said the name. "Maria." 

Tia's smile grew wider and I didn't risk looking over at Cody. "Leave it to me." Tia smiled, patted my face and Cody's before walking off to where a guy was waiting for her.

"So she's family but you're not over protective of her?" I asked, wondering what the story there was. 

"I tried to be the big brother to her and Maria but when we turned ten, she told me very plainly that if I ever interfere with her love life like I do with Maria then she would make sure that I can never have children." Cody shuttered and turned to me. Well fuck. "Now what's this about you wanting to kiss my sister?" 


Fucking Fuck FUCK! 

"Uh... see Cody... the thing is..." and thats when the bell saved my ass. Thank fucking God! "Well did you hear that." and with that I ran away from him and to line up, thanking God again for making his last name start with J and mine with an H. 

As soon as we were dismissed from our roll call lines, I made another beeline but this time for the mechanics class room and there Maria and Cody's car sat. The back light was missing and there was a dint in the boot that looked to be impossible to fix on my own. 

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