Chapter 11

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Summer Between Year 10 and 11 - Summer Lovin'

Maria was lying on her stomach on her bed, her phone to her ear. "Oh my god! Thank you Gem! I'll see you tomorrow, love you!" she hung up when she saw me walking in to her room.

"She coming?" I asked, in regards to the trip to the local wharf, Maria smiled big which confirmed my question.

"That's good, I knew that you were worried about her." With a slight grunt I rolled on to her bed, lying next to her. Maria was wearing my soccer jersey that I gave her after the camping trip. It swallowed her but I loved her in it.

"Do your parents know you're here?" she asked, as I rubbed her back and my number.

"Yep, but they think I'm sleeping in Cody's room, not yours."

"I'm pretty sure Cody is thinking the same thing." Cody's voice came from Maria's door way, fuck. The look on both mine and Maria's face said the same thing.

"Yeah... keep thinking that mate." I said the thing that we were both thinking.

"Fuck off, you are not sleeping in my sister's room, while I'm literally down the hall, I mean I don't want to hear..." Cody trailed off with a shutter.

"Oh my God!" Maria scratched. "Cody! No... um... no, we haven't. I'm still a..." Maria's cheeks heated up to show that amazing blush. She couldn't seem to stop th trail of words that just continued out of her mouth.

"You guys haven't...?"

"No, and I'm not going to push Maria into doing anything until she's ready, so if you don't mind Cody, I'm going to sleep next to your sister tonight because holding her while I sleep is the best feeling in the world." I stared down her brother, Cody left without another word but I knew that a fist up was coming soon.

Maria was lying on her massive beach towel, watching her brother and I back flip off the wharf, Cody had just jumped when Maria squealed. "You came!" I watched as she launched herself at Gemma. A laugh escaped me as I watched the scene play out.

"Come on you pussy!" Cody yelled from his spot treading water. Without hesitation I jumped and flipped, splashing Cody right in his smug face. "Fucker." He said spraying me with water.

Cody and I climbed the ladder that was seriously in need of a clean or at least some sort of non slip stuff. Maria was getting Gemma to dump her stuff next to ours, with a nod in our direction we closed in on her best friend.

"Yep, I came. Where are Cody and Danny?" Gemma took off her shoes and stood near the water but not so close that it would be easy to push her in.

"Right here." Cody said coming up behind her and grabbing her waist, travelling the few steps it took to throw her in the water.

"Fuck you Cody!" Gemma spat.

"Oh that was so worth it!" he yelled back before jumping in after her, Maria was still standing with our stuff when I winked at her and summersaulted into the water.

Gemma was treading water when I surfaced but I couldn't see Cody anywhere. Fucking dickhead. "Where'd Cody go?" she asked, I just shrugged and tried not to laugh at Cody's stupid ass plan.

Gemma jerked when something (someone) touched her, "What the hell?" she gasped and started kicking the water around her, she relaxed for a second but then she was gone.

She fought the thing that kept pulling her under the water. When the both of them resurfaced, Gemma slapped Cody's chest. "You are such an asshole!" she yelled, making Maria laugh in the process, yeah I had a feeling she was in on this.

"Does anyone else think we should push her in?" we all shared a look and agreed, yeah Maria was going in.

the plan was that Gemma would distract Maria while Cody and I sneak up behind her, when she told us that she couldn't find anything in her bag that was when we were to pounce, the plan went off without a hitch. Maria swearing the entire time down.

"You all suck." Maria pouted when I came up from the water.

"Hey, it was totally your idea to push Gem in." I laughed, giving her away.

"I knew it! I knew it wasn't Cody's idea! Cody would have jumped in with me in his arms and not let me go!" Gem yelled before getting splashed my Maria. Gemma splashed back and caused an all out war between the four of us.

"Truce!" Maria shouted, before getting splashed by Gemma in the face, a cough erupting from her mouth. "I call a truce!" she coughed. "No more!" Gemma splashed her one more time before stopping.

We all voted that it was time for lunch, Maria and I were already at the top of the wharf, with Cody towelling off when we heard Gemma. "Ow! What the hell!"

"You alright Gem?" Cody called to her.

"Ow, fuck no, I'm not alright Cody! I just cut my foot on something."

"She's not okay, she didn't call me a name." Cody didn't even look at us, just jumped back into the water.

Maria and I watched as Gemma insisted on climbing up that ladder without Cody's help. When she finally reached the top, she took mine and Maria's out stretched hands and collapsed onto the wooden wharf with a massive breath leaving her mouth.

Cody took a look at her injury or rather he touched the cut that was on her foot, causing a very drawn out curse to hiss out of Gemma.

Cody ended up driving Gemma home, much to Gemma's protests.

Maria and I cleaned up the towels and bags and whatever else we brought to the wharf, packed it into the Porsche and took off after Cody and Gem.

Have never actually been inside Gemma's house I was curious to see how she lived, as soon as I pulled into her driveway behind her own car though, Maria somehow climbed over and sat on my lap.

"You know," she said, running her hands through my hair, "it has been a while since we had sometime to ourselves, just the two of us."

My hands went to her thighs and I couldn't stop my hands from running up and down her soft, soft skin. "You are right, and every time we do get some time alone, it usually gets interrupted."

Maria groaned in agreement, I don't know who moved first but quickly we were getting rapped up in each other, Maria matching each movement of my mouth on hers.

God I really love this girl.

By the time we had composed ourselves enough, to join the others inside Gemma was sitting on the couch with her injured foot on Cody's lap. He was watching every move that she was making but her attention was completely on us.

"You two totally just hooked up in my drive way."

"Maybe." Was all Maria said, shooting me a smile that I loved to see on her pretty face, this smile wasn't an innocent one like I'm used to, this one was secretive and held promises.

"I totally didn't need to know that." Codymuttered, and Gemma kicked in the stomach. Thank god for Gemma Jayden Lorson.     

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