Chapter 17

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A Night Not Forgotten

By the time March was over, I had turned eighteen, Gemma had moved down the street from all of us and it was fast approaching the twin's eighteenth birthday. Maria had already sworn up and down that she didn't want a party, she was aware that it was Cody's turn to choose what to do but she had said that she didn't want to have a party. Cody and I were talking about what we could do for this birthday when Gemma came up behind us.

"I want to throw Maria a surprise party." She said, her folder was tight against her chest, her eyes held slight panic behind them.

I didn't let that bother me, I should have but I didn't, instead my mind went straight to planning this party for my girl. "She doesn't want a party, but I really want to throw her one, and this is perfect."

"Its my birthday too." Cody whined. "Don't I get a surprise party?"

"Too late now." I laughed. "Neil would probably have it at his house." I said already grabbing my phone and started to text the guys.

"I can keep her occupied during the day while you guys set up." Gem offered, a small smile on her face. "And I could get here there, too."

Cody rubbed his hands together in a rather evil fashion. "I'm liking the sound of this."

We were grinning for about a second before, Ian came up behind Gemma. Throwing his arm around her shoulders. "Liking the sound of what?" he asked.


Cody's evil, Joker like grin faded away, yeah there was no way any of us were getting out of this without some sort of explanation. I couldn't move, I didn't want that asshole or any of this friends, anywhere near Maria.

"Liking the sound of what?" Ian repeated. We were trapped in a corner now; fuck.

When no one said still didn't say anything, Gemma started to wince, the both of us noticing that Ian's hand was squeezing her shoulder.

"We're throwing a surprise party for my sister." Cody sighed out, almost as if Gemma's pain was his as well.

"Cool. Send me the details." Ian finally removed his arm from Gem's shoulders, we thought that he would go away and leave us to our party planning. "I've just got to borrow Gemma for a sec." he didn't ask for permission, not that he needed it but he grabbed Gem's wrist and pulled her away from us.

"What do you think that asshole is doing?" Cody asked, watching the whole thing between the two of them, Ian seemed to be telling something to her, although it did seem more like an order.

"I'm not sure but let's keep an eye on them at you guys' birthday, yeah?" Cody nodded in agreement.

We had somehow managed to organise a party for the twins, well, really for Maria, in the days leading up to it. Neil's mum was letting us use their house for the night, and the rest of the guys pitched in with beer and money for our DJ.

It was the morning before my girlfriend's eighteenth. I had her present ready on the floor, hopefully it wasn't going to give me away before I got to give her the proper good morning.

I didn't have to worry about Maria's alarm waking her up this morning, thank God for Saturdays. "Happy birthday, Heaven." I whispered in her ear, "Come on baby, wake up." Maria turned around with a smile on her face. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her, God she was so beautiful. I couldn't believe that she was mine.

"Hi." She giggled, when we pulled away breathless.

"Hi." I grinned back.

"That was one hell of a wake up call."

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