6 ↝ fairs & invitations

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Johnny Orlando
17 June 2017


"Oh my god, we have to get candyfloss!" Mackenzie says in a high pitched voice. I scoff at her, rolling my eyes.

"Do you know how bad that stuff is for your teeth? It's literally plain sugar." Maddie giggles, and I laugh along with her.

"Guys, it's not a fair without candyfloss!" She begs, and I groan.

We– meaning Lauren, Maddie, Mackenzie, Darian and I, are loyally attending the local fair. Every summer they hold it, in this massive field from 12 noon till 12 midnight. Some of my best memories are from here as a kid; the bright lights from the carousel and the roars of the lions used to amaze me. We would get given five dollars to each spend, and Darian or Maddie would always be in charge of the money. Almost all of our money went towards food; caramel apples, candyfloss, potato twirls, slushies, and coca cola– but we would also participate in the ringtoss, and the coin roll, the gumboot throw... Lastly, they did fireworks at midnight, and us kids would all run around squealing in delight.

The memories are endless, and it makes me nostalgic for the past. We were young, and free.

"Fine, I'll buy you some." I say, finally caving after thinking about it, and Lauren gives me a nod.

"What?" I hiss at her after Mackenzie turns around.

"You're doing good J." She grins. I squint at her, confused.

"What on earth are you talki–" ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
"Hello, how may I help you?" The cashier girl asks, and I almost drop the candyfloss I'm holding. It's Nadia, the girl I briefly dated last summer. Awkward.

"Nadia?" I ask, as she seemingly looks very different. Her light orange hair is swept up into a messy bun, and her body looks amazing. Shit. She does a double take on me as well.

"Johnny! Hi, how are you?" She replies, looking me up and down. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lauren turn to Kenzie, rolling her eyes. I don't care though, Nadia was one of the best girls I've ever dated; she made me laugh so much and that's what I look for in a girl. We didn't exactly end well though...

"I'm great thanks. How are you?" She says politely.

"Amazing. This summer has been amazing so far." She says, and I laugh. Amazing was our word; we used to say it all the time.

"Cool." I smile. "Can I have some candyfloss please?"

"Sure." She smiles, turning around to get what I asked for. She hands it to me, and we keep walking before I give the candyfloss to Kenz– she doesn't meet my eye. Shit, I just ruined the mood.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Kenz, are you coming?" Lauren says boldly. Here we go. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
"Sure." Kenzie says, quieter than before. They leave, and I go to sit down. Why do girls overthink stuff all the time? We just has a conversation– oh. Now I remember.

[flashback to the summer before]

Nadia moans against my mouth and I bring her closer to me. Oh god, It's so hot in the attic. My only release is to pull off my shirt one handed– she seems pleased. Kissing her again, I'm about to pull off hers when I hear the door open abruptly. Nadia and I spring apart, the mood ruined in an instant.

"Maddie come up–" I hear Mackenzie start to yell, and then she stops. Maddie hesitates in the doorframe behind her, and we all stare at each other. I feel myself go bright red. Shit.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were in here..." Mackenzie starts, and I look down– afraid to meet her eyes.

I thought I could forget about her, I thought that Nadia made sure of that.

"It's okay, I was just leaving." Nadia says, warmly for Kenzie's sake– but all I hear is the coldness directed at me. I should have never let it get this far after the argument we had minutes before; I'm such an idiot. Nadia then stands up, brushes herself down and pushes past Mackenzie. I lie back on the pillows and groan, grabbing my shirt.

"I'm really am sorry." Mackenzie admits before slipping back out the door.

"Mack–" I call out, but it's too late.

Running my hands through my hair I sit in an frustrated silence– I just ruined everything.

[flashback over]

I now put my head in my hands. Of course that's all she remembers. That night was easily the worst of last summer– it was when Nadia and I broke up but then used that fuel as fire by making out heavily.

It was when I was absolutely and utterly confused about my feelings towards Mackenzie.

It was when Darian ditched me for some girl.

It was when my parents had their first over the phone fight; they yelled and screamed for ages.

It was when I had to console Lauren, who was shaking at the fact our parents were screaming at eachother.

It was when Melissa confronted me about my parents, and my feelings, and I unwillingly told her.

About everything.

I hated that night.

I'm about to stand up, eager to rid my mind of these thoughts, when someone takes a seat next to me. I tilt my head– It's Nadia.

"Hey." She says casually, and I fight the urge to yell at her.

"Hey. I thought you weren't coming back this summer?" I ask, confused. She shrugs.

"I wasn't. I'm here on my own. My history at Sumner beach isn't over yet."

"Listen.." I start, and she looks at me. "I don't think you being here is great timing."

"No it's not, but I don't want to be anything more than friends." She smiles sadly.

"I'd like that; there would be no pressure on us. Believe it or not, I do actually enjoy your company." I reply, chuckling. Although I'm happy about this arrangement, I'm almost sure that I see a dejected look in her eyes.

"Sweet..." She starts, standing up, "I really do have to get back to work though."

"Okay, see you around I guess."

"See ya." She waves, and I watch her walk back to the caravan.


[1085 words]

Ooo, a new friendship! Are you guys here for #jadia or not?

I'm neutral– Nadia is a very pretty girl but it seems as if shes pushing Kenzie out of Johnny's thoughts... :(

Please vote if you enjoyed!!


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