20 ↝ arguments & unexpected contact

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Mackenzie Ziegler
26 June 2017


The thought runs through my mind that Johnny might not want to be followed, but after what he just did? That's impossible. I need to know whats going on with him, and more importantly why he punched that guy in the face. It's something an older brother, or jealous boyfriend would do– Johnny is neither of those things.

I shove through the crowd in my haste to get to the doors, and internally groan when I see they're wide open; meaning Johnny has run off into the night. Before I step outside, I hold my arm out to the dark night sky. In a matter of seconds, it's soaked, meaning that the rain hasn't stopped from this afternoon. Sighing, I thoughtlessly jog out onto the deck, and luckily the light from our house guides me as I carefully, but hastily, walk down the wooden steps that lead me onto our own personal stretch of beach.

As I feel my bare feet plant into the gritty sand, I look left and right to see where he's gone.


Standing under the willow tree thats grown on the bank above the sand.

There he is.

To be honest, I'm not surprised he came here of all places; this is where he would come to sulk as a kid too, and he would spend hours sitting atop the branches acting surly.

"Johnny!" I call out breathlessly, running towards him. His head whips around, and the surprised look on his face tells me that he wasn't expecting me to run after him. When we're less than a few meters apart, I slow to a walk before finally stopping.

"Yes?" He asks, voice somehow packed with cold hard anger. I'm tempted to shrink back at his tone, but I stand my ground.

"What was that, in there?" I question him.

"What was what?" He retorts, eyes indignant and playing dumb.

"Oh you know what I mean!" I laugh exasperatedly, watching the scene play out in the corner of my mind. Me, kissing that foul man, and him, punching him in the side.

"No, I really don't, would you care to enlighten me?" He asks, sarcastic and brooding like.

I throw up my hands in frustration.

"Just stop playing these stupid games Johnny. You either want me or you don't!" I yell.

At this reply, he visibly pales, ego shrinking, and his hand reaches out before finding it's way back to his side.

"Why? Why did you punch that guy Johnny?" I question again, biting my lip. The rain only adds to the tension as it drizzles between the leaves of the tree, and I nervously wait for his reply.

"I got jealous. Way too jealous." He regretfully says, kicking at the ground. My heart beats erratically at his revelation.

"W-why?" I ask, stumbling over my words like a six year old.

He threads his hands together and then loops them around his neck. "I just saw you, and him, and I know he's an absolute jerk so I went for it.

"But that still doesn't explain the fact that–" I start, before trailing off at the emotions playing out on his face; anger, sadness, confusion, and all undermined by desperation. He's had a hard summer, and I shouldn't be making it worse.

"No, its fine." He says bitterly, and I glance up with a look that could probably only be described as puppy eyes.

"You don't have to explain, I'm sorry, I get it, I shouldn't be making you feel worse–" I start to say, babbling, before I'm interrupted by Johnny's voice which is calm and clear.

"I get jealous all the time Kenz. Hell, I've been a wreck these past two weeks... with you hanging out with Hayden, and meeting other people. I fucking wish that I don't feel the way that I do because I know that you don't think of me as more than a friend."

"No. No no no, you've got it all wrong!" I laugh, reaching out.

"Kenz stop–"

"Listen to me!" I interrupt, voice ringing with authority. He looks shocked, and keeps his cool by looking away.

"I heard about what happened with you and Nadia! I know what you're like, and I still feel–"

"How did you hear about that?" He asks me, cheeks red and voice croaky.

"I- it doesn't matter. That's not my point!" I reply, voice rising in tone.

"Then what is is your point? because I sure as hell know mine."

"I don't understand what you mean Johnny–"

"I'm in love with you." He finally reveals in a desperate tone, gripping his hair life his life depends on it. "I haven't been talking to you because you don't like me back, and you're with Hayden, and you probably like that dropkick of a guy at the party more than you like me..." He trails off, and my mouth drops open.

He loves me.

I knew that he had feelings for me.

The only logical thing to do is to tell him.

"I feel the exact same way about you." I smile sadly, taking a step forward.

He looks up, face a mask of shock and confusion, and reaches out to take my hands. I shiver; not from the cold but from my hands making contact with his skin.

"Really?" He asks me– tone low, husky, and disbelieving.

"Really." I assure him, looking up at him through tearful eyes.

What happens next makes my heart fall into my stomach, and my palms tingle. I unconsciously take a lean forward, in a daze, and before I know it, his lips are upon mine.

Johnny freaking Orlando is kissing me.


[967 words]

Omggg, finally! Please please please leave a vote/comment if you are happy they confessed :)


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