22 ↝ cleaning & flirting

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Mackenzie Ziegler
26 June 2017


"This is disgusting." I complain to Lauren as we pick up the plastic cups and rubbish from the couch. "How did the party get this out of hand?"

"I really don't know." Lauren replies, blushing, and then I remember what really happened.

"Wait– you hooked up with that guy didn't you?" I laugh incredulously. "And you got drunk!"

"Okay okay, you got me." Lauren giggles, but then frowns. "Wait, how did you know I was drunk? I didn't do anything too crazy did I?"

"Nope. But you let him do far more outrageous stuff then you would have if you were sober." I snort.

This time she blushes a deep crimson, and turns around with the mop so she can't be seen.

"Aww, poor Lauren. Would you like some pills for that hangover?" I coo, smiling.

"No thank you." She replies innocently. "Would you like another kiss from Johnny, or were the last two just too much?"

I whip my head around to stare at her triumphant face, and she shrugs. A blush scatters across my cheeks.

"How did you find out about that?' I gasp, letting my hair fall in my eyes as I crouch down to pick up more rubbish.

"Johnny told me this morning." She informs me nonchalantly.

"What did he say?" I demand quietly, standing up.

She blows on her fingers in an attempt to be casual and I glare at her. "Oh, nothing... he only said it was the best kiss he's ever had."

"No freaking way. I do not believe you." I state incredulously.

Johnny– the player, the heartbreaker, the one that's probably kissed a thousand more girls than I have guys, liked my kiss the best?

Lauren shrugs. "Well if you don't believe me, I guess I can't say anything else..." She trails off with a cheeky grin.

"Oh no no no. Tell me!" I demans, dropping the mop on the ground. I take a seat at the breakfast bar, and Lauren stands on the other side. I look at her expectantly, raising my eyebrows, and she giggles.


"Well what? Spit it out!" I say, eagerly.

"He said he wanted to kiss you on the night you went on the beach– which you didn't tell me about I might add."

I make a noise of confusion. "Well why the hell didn't he? It would have saved him a freaking speech!"

"What speech?" She asks, confused.

"The one where... wait, did he really not tell you?"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

"No!" She gasps. "What speech?"

"Well... at the party, this drunk dude started hitting on me, and... well, he started to kiss me and I couldn't shove him off, and then next thing I know there's Johnny, having punched him in the stomach.

"No way." She gasps, interrupting again. "He so did not tell me about this!"

"No wonder." I say, thinking about it while I get up and start to swipe all the broken glass into a plastic bag. "As soon as I thought about what happened, I ran after him; but he'd run off into the pouring rain and I had to chase after him."

I shiver just thinking about it.

"Then, after we had this massive argument he told me that he always gets jealous when I hang out with guys–"

"–Cough cough Hayden cough cough." Lauren interrups, and I slap her on the arm.

"Do you want to hear this or not?" ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
"Don't worry, I'm most definitely listening." She says amusedly, laughing at herself, and I clear my throat before continuing.

"After more arguing, he said that he wished he didn't care the way he does because then it would be easy to accept that I don't like him more than a friend. I tried to tell him that I do like him more than a friend but he kept interrupting me, and then we yelled some more... I asked what his point was, and he literally took a breath and said I'm in love with you."

Lauren gasps, and I carry on.

"It was really scary, because then I said I felt the same way... that's when we kissed."

"Well firstly, thank you so much for saying that because I actually thought I might have had to force you guys to date." Lauren starts, looking triumphant, "And secondly," She begins again, "Judging by those hickeys you tried to cover up, you two did a little more than kissing."

"Lauren!" I whine embarrassedly, pretending to be annoyed but really in awe over how well she knows me.

"Second base on your first kiss together? That's pretty cheeky Kenz." She giggles, and I groan, knowing I'm never going to hear the end of this.

"It was hardly second, I mean–"

"Oh whatever chica. Just tell me, did you feel the butterflies?"

"Dumb question Lauren." I laugh, turning away, because I'd rather keep that between Johnny and I.

That kiss last night? It was the reason why I woke up smiling; the reason why I've been so happy this morning, and I want to keep that happiness to myself for just a little while longer.


[874 words]

Awh! So Lauren knows ;) Please vote/ comment– keep reading if you want to know what happens!


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