27 ↝ family dinners & wild revealations

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Mackenzie Ziegler
30 June 2017


"Kids, dinner!" I hear my Mum yell downstairs.

I'm currently watching a game of cards; Lauren and Johnny are battling it out. Me? Well I'm just being annoying by lying on top of Johnny.

"Kids? Seriously?" Maddie perks up from the top bunk, scrunching her nose. We all laugh before Lauren and Maddie scramble upstairs for food. Johnny and I are alone. I hop up, extending an arm to him. He takes it, and with the combined effort of both of us we're standing in no time.

"Thanks." He murmurs, flashing me a breathtaking smile.

"Your welcome." I manage to say, before he pulls me out of the room and upstairs, hands still linked.

As we reach the dinner table, my eyes grow wide. Holy. Mum's gone all out with the food; I can't even begin to describe whats on the table in front of me.

Johnny releases my hand to give a plate to me and I catch my Mum smirking at Maddie. When Johnny turns his back I poke my tongue out at them which makes them giggle.

You're probably wondering what my Mom did after finding me and Johnny, well– a little closer than normal, yesterday morning, and yes, I got in trouble, but not as badly as I thought I would. I did get given the "talk" my my Mother again, which was just lovely, and by the sounds of it Johnny did as well. We promised to each other to always lock the doors from now on.

I fill my plate with masses of food and Johnny makes wide eyes at me as we take seats next to eachother.

"You can not eat all that." He accuses, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Oh yeah? Watch me!" I reason.

"That was not smart man." Maddie smiles as she winds spaghetti around her fork.

"What wasn't?" Lauren butts in.

"Johnny said I can't eat all this." I giggle again between mouthfuls of food. Lauren turns to Johnny.

"It's true! She hates being told what she can and can't do."

Maddie laughs, while Johnny turns to give me an incredulous look.

"I'm here I'm here!" Darian screams as he runs through the door. All conversation turns silent, and Laurens fork clatters on her plate as she takes in Darian's appearance.

"What in the world..." Mer stutters, and thats all it takes for the whole table to burst out laughing. I laugh so hard that tears come out of my eyes and my sides hurt.

Darian is dressed... not for the occasion you could say. With knee high white boots, red bikini bottoms and a yellow high vis vest he looks absolutely stunning... not.

"What are you looking at?" He slurrs, and it's then that we all simultaneously realize that he's drunk.

"Bud," Johnny says as he gets up to help him, "Have you seen what you're wearing?"

"Nope." He grins widely, finally looking down to take in his outfit.

"Mate, your an idiot." Johnny says amusedly, and we all try not to laugh at the hurt expression on Darians face. Oops. Johnny takes his arm, threads it around Darian's shoulder, and in two seconds flat Darian manages to knock over about 24 hours worth of dishes.

The room turns silent. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Johnny shuts his eyes in annoyance, cursing, while Maddie chokes on her food and Lauren bursts out laughing. Mer cusses at Johnny for cursing, and at the same time Darian gives me a big thumbs up. My Mom winces, hard.

"Just take him to his room." Mer says, sighing at her eldest. "He can clean himself up to pay for this."

"Ooo, savage." Maddie winks at me.

Johnny then takes Darian down the hallway stairs as he sings mickey mouse.


That was interesting.


[632 words]


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