13 ↝ interesting suprises & findings

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Mackenzie Ziegler
21 June 2017


My brow furrows, and the heartbeat I had managed to contain threatens to burst out of my chest.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, breathing softly in between my words.

Johnny shrugs, and takes a seat on a log of wood. My ears strain to hear his reply as the waves crash on the shore.

"I got up for water, and I saw you out here... I was curious." He replies, biting his lip and avoiding my gaze.

I'm confused. This is the Johnny I've come to know? The one screwing girls, getting drunk, fighting and seeming ignorant? He seems as innocent as he was at twelve years old.

"Well you found me." I blush, trying to calm my stupid heartbeat again. Why do years of suppressed feelings have to come out now?

"That I did." He says a little more confidently, before glancing over and gracing me with an award winning smile.


[189 words]

Who guessed right? I probably wouldn't have, lol. Sorry this was so short, I wasn't going to post today but I thought this was better than nothing :)


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