26 ↝ better friends

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Mackenzie Ziegler
29 June 2017


When I finally awake late morning, I stretch out my arms and smile. The sun pours in through my bedroom windows, and I sigh as I turn around. When I do, I open my eyes; almost screaming in fright at the sight that meets me.

Johnny's curled up against my side, eyes closed in a blissful slumber. My heart beats in my chest, and I realize with a pang that I'm actually in the spare bedroom, in a double bed, with Johnny. A deep blush spreads across my cheeks, I just know it. Darn it, I must have fell asleep during one of those stupid movies. How, I don't know, because every single one of my nerve endings was on fire at the way he was– well, holding me I guess. We didn't do anything more than cuddling... did we?

Of course, he picks this exact moment to snake out an arm and pull me back towards him. Damn. How did he know I was awake?

I clear my throat, realizing that a certain part of him is very much enjoying my company this morning; I'll give you one guess which part.

"Nice dream?" I giggle, teasing him.

"Very." He laughs, and as I turn around in his arms I notice he's flushed. Oops.

"What happened last night?" I ask, lying back down and closing my eyes in pure happiness.

"Well we didn't sleep together if that's what you mean." He laughs quietly in a husky voice, and I keep my voice quiet when I say; "I think I would have remembered that John." He proceeds to groan, and I frown in confusion.

"Not helping right now."

"Oh– ohhhhh." I giggle. "Sorry."

"But to answer your question, you fell asleep here during the movie and because I'm the teenage boy I am I decided to stay."

"Teenage boy or not, thank you."

"Anytime." He whispers, finally taking the initiative to close the inch gap and push his lips against mine. He's sweet, and warm, and everything about the kiss is honestly perfect. He caresses my cheek, making my whole body shiver and tingle.

He pulls me up, smiling all the while. I walk us to the door, threading our hands together.

"Breakfast?" I question, leaning back against the wall. He pins me there, positioning my hands above my head.

"Not yet." He murmurs in my ear. I swallow. He's standing so close to me, eyes full of desire.

And this is the sight that meets my mother as she walks in the doorway. Him, shirtless, pressing me up against a wall with his lips to my ear.



[470 words]

what would your mom say if she found u with a guy?

i have no freaking clue what mine would do lmao

pls vote x


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