29 ↝ sundresses & second thoughts

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Mackenzie Ziegler
2 July 2017


The bright light of the sun shines straight into my eyes as I sit up in bed, yawning. Wow, I think, looking over at the time. It's  ten am. I slept for over twelve hours– would that have something to do with how happy Johnny's words made me yesterday?

I think so.

Trying not to grin, I plant my sock covered feet onto the hardwood floors. Summer is ending, I can tell, and it makes me sad. Along with summer ending, it means we have to go back home. And going home? I'm not ready to do that yet. Going home means cold weather, and school, and homework, and– I realise with a pang– no Johnny.


He's become my safety net, my happiness, the calm to my storm– and I can't lose him, there's no doubt about it. I mean, we exchanged the L word yesterday, but does that mean as much to him as it does to me? I don't know.

Sighing, I try and rid my head of these thoughts by getting in the shower, but they come back heavier and harder. It's just a summer fling the voices inside my head say. You'll never see him again after this summer they scream.

Pardon my french, but fuck.

Yes it's true; Johnny will most likely go to university next year, and I'll be finishing up senior year. We'll be worlds apart, and I–

I can't deal with this anymore.

I dress quickly into a plain white sundress, forgetting entirely about having a shower, and knot my hair into a messy bun. Looking into the mirror, I splash my face with water before rubbing it calmly with moisturiser.

Okay, that feels better, but there's still a matter I need to attend to.

I pad barefoot down the hallway, and before I reach Johnny's door I take a deep breath, preparing myself.

And then I knock.


[345 words]

lol you thought they'd be happy forever #oops #sorrynotsorry lol. please please please please please please please please please vote xox


summer of '17 • jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now