21 ↝ desperate & wild

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Mackenzie Ziegler
26 June 2017


I'm stunned, and butterflies instantly form in my stomach. Instinctively, we reach out to each other like you would if you were looking for a light switch in the dark; desperately, wildly. His lips are soft as he presses them against mine, and cold, tasting like sea salt. Hands curling around my waist like a vice, we gasp for air, and I tilt my head as he kisses me again.

We recklessly move our lips against each other in unison; and it feels like something clicks inside of me when I realize that I don't care who's watching, I don't care who sees, I only care about this moment and Johnny only.

He tugs on my lip, teasing me, and I moan against his mouth before pulling on his hair. His cold hands run up the back of my now soaking tank top as we continue to embrace as if we've done this one thousand times, not once, and I gasp in pleasure.

What he's doing to me, can't be healthy. It's like he's taken every single thing in this world, and make it look lifeless and mundane in comparison.

My heart accelerates to what feels like a million miles an hour when he moves his lips to the edge of mine and starts planting butterfly kisses all over my jaw. My skin burns with some sort of urgency where ever he touches me, and I stand on the tips of my toes so he can bend down and kiss my neck.

I feel faint but somehow alive when when he brushes his lips against the pulse on my neck; flower petal soft at first, before turning weighted and pressing. My eyes flutter shut as he seems to draw out all the heat from my body with one movement of his lips, and I focus on calming my breathing as the cold and heavy rain showers over us; showing no sign of stopping or slowing.

Almost deliberately, he gently slows his lips until they're just tracing the delicate skin around my jaw. My breathing slows, and so does his, but my heart starts racing even faster than before; if that's even imaginable.

It's time to face the aftermath.

As he brings his face up to mine, I look away in fear that my emotions will be splayed out on my face like an open book.

"Oh my god." Johnny whispers breathlessly over the now deafening silence. "Mackenzie look at me."

Tears form in my eyes. He pokes his tongue out of his lips before giving me a heartwarming smile, green eyes glittering in the darkness.

"Why are you crying?" He asks innocently, wrapping his arms around me in a crushing, but cute, hug.

"I don't know whether to feel insanely happy or insanely scared." I laugh stupidly, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Mackenzie, I just confessed how much you mean to me, how much I love you, then kiss you like that– you can't possibly think I'd be that much of a idiot to let you go the second time, could you?"

"Maybe?" I mumble, biting my lip. He pulls us apart so I'm facing him again, and a massive grin completely changes his expression.

"Well I'm not letting you go this time."

"Does this mean that we're–" I start to say, before being interrupted by his lips.

Gasping, I feel his arms circle around me once more, but this time they drift lower; not to the small of my back but to my ass. I feel hot, all over. His lips move against mine, but he presses against me, letting me take him.

When we both break away for the second time, I look up, and I smile. Not a half hearted, I don't really care smile but a lively, overjoyed, I-can't-take-my-eyes-off-of-you-smile.

And when he smiles back, mirroring the exact look on my face, that's when I know that we're going to be okay.


[705 words]

YAY THEY KISSED WOOT HOOT! I've wanted to post this for so long lol. Like I've said before, please comment (or rate this out of ten) because it really helps me! xo


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