bonus chapter

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Mackenzie Ziegler


I hear a car door slam from outside. Grabbing the fringe of Johnny's sweater, I rush us both over to the window.

"They're here!" I squeal in excitement.

Johnny blinks a few times, a small smile forming on his features. "You didn't have to pull me quite so hard."

"Oh." I say, smiling back sheepishly. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay." He laughs, placing a quick kiss on my forehead. "Now go see them!"

Gasping with realisation, I hastily walk towards the front door and fling it open. There, poised as if she was about to ring our doorbell, is my Mother. Lauren, Meredith, Darian and Maddie are standing right behind her.

"Mackenzie." She says proudly before enveloping me into a hug. The others join in, holding me so tight my eyes water– at least that's was I tell myself. In reality, they're probably watering for an entirely different reason. Simply seeing them perhaps?

"Merry Christmas, all of you." Johnny greets from behind me, holding my waist as I pull away from my family. I lean into him.

"Oh you two. So grown up." Darian mocks. We all chuckle, and I wipe the happy tears from my eyes.

It's been years since we've all been able to coordinate a time for all of us to come to the beach house, and this year we finally managed to do it. Between Johnny and I working full time, (we're singers, just been on tour) Meredith and Dales divorce, Darians child and Maddies affair, it's been hard. Two weeks ago, Johnny and I touched down in Los Angeles after living/touring in Canada for six years. The extra sun has been welcomed greatly into our lives, as well as the freedom and liberation to do whatever we please. Tour had been amazing, especially meeting all our fans and shippers, but it definitely had started taking a toll on us. After this one month break, we're starting new jobs; gladly. Johnny's going to give guitar lessons at a store downtown, and I'll take over the performing arts department at Hamilton High School which is right here in Los Angeles. I couldn't be happier that I get to live in the summer house with Johnny, starting a job that I've always dreamed of doing.

"Shush Darian." I grin, and Johnny and I step back simultaneously. Welcoming everyone inside, it doesn't take long for everyone to settle in– I suppose we did spend a fair bit of our years here though. Darian and Johnny pick right up where the left off by starting a brawl in the living room, and Lauren, Maddie and I laugh at them before heading to the kitchen. Our Mothers are already on the deck catching up and drinking wine.

"How have you guys been?" I ask genuinely, hugging each one of them in turn.

"Great." Lauren smiles, sighing. "Perfect in fact."

"Lauren's found herself a man." Maddie explains to me, rolling her eyes fondly.

"Name?" I demand, laughing now.

"Carson Lueders."

I hold my hand out for a high five and she slaps it enthusiastically. "You official?"

"As of yesterday." She smiles dreamily, playing with a necklace that's hidden away beneath a sweatshirt.

"Let's see then." Maddie grins, raising an eyebrow.

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