24 ↝ chocolate & kisses

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Mackenzie Ziegler
28 June 2017


I lick the edge of the mixing spoon before dumping it in the sink. I've just made muffins, and honestly, the raw mix tastes amazing. Turning around again, I pick up the oven mitts, open the oven and take them out.

Maddie, Lauren and Darian have left me and Johnny here to go out for dinner but I'm broke. To be completely honest I couldn't be more relieved; Darian, Lauren and Maddie have become the 'jenzie busters' meaning they love to tease, taunt and ridicule Johnny and I every time we're alone. It's frustrating, but funny, and I understand that they do it because they love us.

Sighing, I bend down to retrieve a bowl and some ready made chocolate icing. I turn around again, looking down, and get the fright of my life when I look up and see Johnny standing right in front of where I was just going to go.

"Holy shit!" I gasp, and he laughs loudly, it echoing through the room. "How do you keep appearing out of nowhere like that?" I ask, heart beating in my chest.

Heat rushes into my cheeks when he embraces me in a hug, and I snugly fit my head into his chest. When I speak again, my voice is muffled.

"And how long were you there for?"

He's silent.

That means he definitely got a view of my ass when I bent down to get a bowl. I blush even harder, grateful for the fact that he can't see my face.

"Long enough to hear you singing along to Adele." He says bemusedly, and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Are you serious?" I squeal, tentatively burying my head even deeper into him.


"Do you want a
muffin?" I input quickly in an attempt to change the topic.

"No." He grins. "I want you."

Smiling cheekily, he moves his hands to a certain area below my hips. My heart beats profusely, and his eyes feel like they're penetrating my skin because the look on his face is so clear. Love.

"I think you have a little something here." He whispers, tracing the edge of my lips with his finger. That does it– what a cheeky little bastard.

I poke my tongue out at him before taking my hands and threading them around his neck.

"Don't worry, I can fix it." He says quietly, before bringing his lips down to mine.

When they finally touch, my lips seem to move against my own accord. I'm sure he can hear the beating of my heart through the thin layers of clothing we're both wearing, and I relax myself into him like melting chocolate. He groans, pulling away.

He takes a few breaths, and I'm about to take one of my own when he licks my lip with his tongue.

"Why did you do that?" I squeal, and he licks his lips.

"You had muffin mix there." He grins. "Which by the way, is amazing."

I swat him on the shoulder. "Thanks."

It's silent, before he asks, "What do you want to do today? It's kinda dismal."

I look outside and notice he's right; the grey clouds look like they're threatening to burst at any moment.

"A movie?" I ask, and he smiles; obviously meaning it's a yes. Of course I love movies, but this gives me an excellent excuse to be close to him for at least an hour. He takes my hand, leading me into his room, and I can only hope he doesn't destroy me with kisses.


[619 words]

Woo another happy jenzie chapter ;) This books coming to an end– please give it a vote/comment xx


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