28 ↝ revenge & love

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Mackenzie Ziegler
1st July 2017


"John!" I squeal, running under the shade of the trees.

"I will get you you know." Johnny yells back, holding his prized water balloons like they're his life's earnings.

I only laugh, hiding behind one of the bushes. I take care not to step on any twigs, but nonetheless I poke my head out to try and see where he is. Damn. He's protecting the picnic basket, more importantly known as the food. I frown. How am I going to get him back?

Oh, allow me to tell you how we got into this situation. Johnny over here, got annoyed at his family and said we needed a 'getaway.' He just wanted an excuse for us to be alone... I think. As I set up our picnic, he declared war when he pulled out a bag of already filled water balloons and smashed me over the head with one. I was annoyed at first, but now I can't help finding this whole situation hilarious. I mean, I'm seventeen and having a water fight with my– well, what are we? Friends? I don't think so, not with the amount of kissing we've done! I'll have to ask him, but for now, I need to get revenge.

Getting up carefully, I spot some of those brown spiky ball thingies (otherwise known as seed pods) over by the next lot of trees. Smiling to myself, I creep over to them and gather a few into my pockets. Shit; they really are spiky. I look down at my hands which are now red and faintly scratched. Perfect. These will be a nice surprise for Johnny when I tip them down his back, not.

I walk out of the trees with my hands up, giggling, not making an effort to be quiet at all.

"Aha." Johnny smiles, pretending to throw a balloon at me. I try not to flinch, taking a seat on our checkered rug.

"I'm bored of this game." I lie, acting disinterested and rifling through the bag for pringles.

"Hey!" Johnny yells. "Don't eat my pringles. Mackenzie Frances Ziegler if you touch a single–"

"I've always thought the saying single as a pringle was weird." I interrupt, looking up at him past the light of the harsh sun. "I mean, pringles come in packs of 36!"

It's silent for a while before Johnny laughs. And it's not a pretty laugh either; it's a snorting, giggling, Ican'tbreathe kind of laugh. He laughs and laughs until tears come out of his eyes, and plonks himself opposite me, which renders me speechless and makes my heart beat faster. For gods sake, why does he still have this effect on me?

"That," He says, smiling a radiant and happy smile, "is why I love you."

At the mention of these words my heart stops, and I look up in his eyes to see if he's joking.

He's not.

Letting a small smile form on my lips, I say the words I never thought I'd say to anyone.

"I love you too."

Thats when I dump the spiky balls down his back; running away afterwards and shrieking with laughter.


[529 words]


summer of '17 • jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now