8 ↝ inviting & seeing

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Mackenzie Ziegler
19 June 2017


After the fair, I couldn't decide what mood I was in. I was fine until Johnny started talking to Nadia, but that brought back a whole wave of sadness because of the memories that she comes with. Then there was Hayden– he was so sweet to me all afternoon I forgot completely about Nadia and Johnny hitting it off. So, of course I was happy at the fact that I found someone who's incredibly hot and wants to hang out with me, but on the other hand I was disappointed with Johnny because I thought that this summer something might change between us.

I guess not.

As Johnny and Nadia have been spending so much time together lately I've decided to invite Hayden over to the beach house. Honestly, we haven't stopped texting since I got his number as he cracks me up. We're so similar it's not even funny– but the problem is, he's coming in half an hour and I'm still lying on the deck tanning. Oops.

I get up, walking inside and yelling out for Lauren. As I come down the stairs I hear moans inside the boys room and fight the urge to kick the door open. Johnny and Nadia, only friends? That must be impossible. God, they need to go somewhere else.

Right at that moment, Lauren opens our door. "What are you doing out here? I've been blocking my ears the whole morning. Can't they take a break for water or something?" She jokes sarcastically.

"Have they really been going at it all morning?" I ask, trying not to be discouraged by the sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Oh fuck yes." Lauren mimics, moaning, and I can't help it. I burst out laughing. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
"Anyway, I don't know what to wear. Haydens coming over in..." I start, glancing at the clock. "Twenty three minutes!"

"Well firstly go straight through the shower, because you've been tanning. And don't wash your hair!" She orders, laughing.

"What about an outfit–"

"Don't worry, I got it sorted." She cuts in, smiling.

"Thanks Laur."

"Enough with being polite, now hurry up and get your butt in the shower!" She giggles, and I laugh before walking to our joint bathroom.


I open the sliding doors carefully and welcome Hayden in. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
"How are you?" He grins, and I blush. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
"Great." I reveal, liking that he actually cares whats going on in my life. "Just dump your stuff somewhere," I then grin, "And sorry, it's not the tidiest." I'm referring to the mess that is our living room.

"Nah, it's fine. Our house is worse." He chuckles.

"Do you own a house here? I've never seen you in the bay before." I ask, making my way to the other side of the breakfast bar. He takes a seat, and I'm glad it's not awkward.

"Sort of. Technically it's my granmas, and the last three summers we haven't been but she passed away last winter so we've bought the house now." He says, and I get the vibe he didn't like his granma very much so I leave the subject alone.

"Sorry to hear that." I start. "But I'm glad you do have a house here now." I finish, trying to keep the conversation positive.

"It's alright. We weren't close to her anyway. But enough about me, how about you? You've been coming here all your life right?"

"Yeah I have." I smile. "My Mum and Meredith grew up together and always wanted a beach house. They didn't think it would ever happen but when my parents divorced we ended up getting a lot of money because my dad had to pay my mom out of their business. So they bought this place just a few months after Darian was born, and we've been coming here every summer since." I finish, and he grins.

"So you grew up with the Orlando's then I take it?"

"No actually. We live in Pittsburgh and they live in Canada, so the only times we get to see them is here." I shrug. "Oh, and occasionally birthdays." I add.

"Wow. So Lauren's obviously your best friend I take it? You seem really close."

"Yeah." I smile. "How did you know?"

"The first night I came you kept saying the same thing at the same time. And you do this weird thing where you talk with your eyes!" He grins, mimicking the action, and I laugh.

"You're observant." I say, turning around, and I could have sworn I heard him say something along the lines of "Only with you."

I'm glad I turned, because if I didn't I would have blushed an obvious deep red. I change the subject fast. "Would you like a coke? Or we have juice, or lemonade?" I ask him, and he seems indecisive.

"Can I just have water please?" He asks, and I flick around, not believing what I just heard.

"Do you not like fizz?" I question, pretending to be outraged.

"Hate it." He grins. "Ever since I was little." ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

"Huh. Johnny doesn't like fizz either." I then smile. "You guys are weird."

"Going back to our previous conversation, what's Johnny and Darian to you? Like big brothers?" He asks. I turn away again, filling him a glass of water but really doing it so I have time to think. Shit – What do I say? I have to be vague, make something up. He'll never like me if he finds out I've liked Johnny since I was around twelve.

"Of course they are." I say, shakily at first but regaining my voice back soon after. "We fight a lot, most of it's over food."

I let a grin grace my cheeks at the thought of Johnny throwing a sausage at me a few nights ago.

"Uh huh." He then says. "Same with my brothers." I'm about to hand him the glass of water when I stand on something.

I look down, and someone has left a box of – holy shit, they're condoms! I kick the box under the table. Stupid Johnny. Stupid stupid stupid! Why does he make everyone else pick up after him?

Hayden drinks the water, and noticing his unease I ask him if he wants to go down on the beach. He agrees, politely, and I grin. It's another stunner day outside, and I notice its 35 degrees.

Before we walk out the sliding doors I pick up the sunblock off the table. I spray it on myself, and he offers to do my back. I agree, and as I lift my shirt which revealing my bikini I notice him linger his hands on my back. Oh god. If Johnny did that, I would be whimpering.

Far out, why do I keep doing this to myself? Here's a guy who genuinely likes me for me and I'm still hung up on Johnny– like thats ever going anywhere. Needing to distract myself, I challenge him to a running race to the waves. His eyes glint with the new challenge.

"3, 2, 1, go!"


[1205 words]

Hey! I hope you guys liked this <3
(But i bet you didn't because of Hayden lol)
Anyways, please please please vote on this chapter! XOX

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