Chapter 9

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10th of April 1925

Outside London

The sun was reflecting on her hair that escaped underneath her helmet, scattering golden sparkles the moment the sweet spring breeze was passing through them. Candy could do nothing else but feel utterly happy and free as she was holding tight on Christian, speeding through country roads on his motorcycle on their way to Cambridge.

Sunday had dawned and it had proved to be an exceptionally warm day by the standards of British weather. Christian had showed up in front of her door bright and early with the intention of whisking her away for a treat, a day trip at the English countryside. With the weather as their ally and Christian as her guide, she jumped from excitement. Since their kiss at the Gallery, Candy couldn't take this man out of her mind, having a grin most of the time stamped on her lips.

Still, Christian had proved not to be very expressive. They were going out on dates as much as his work would allow, even though his exhibition date was pushed further away, well into June due to complications as he had explained to her. He now painted almost every day. Nevertheless, Candy looked forward with anticipation for every meeting between them despite the lack of close moments initiated from Christian's part. Taking cue from his actions, Candy was an outrageous flirt with him, the two of them sharing more of fleeting kisses than the ones that made her head spin, but she wouldn't overstep the line either.

Truth be told, she was a bit confused by his behaviour that was turning frustrating at times. He had clearly shown her that he liked her but he didn't push her, nor did he jump to the opportunity to take things to the next level. Compared with other potential companions though, Candy didn't mind getting closer to Christian. In fact she had fantasised of him making love to her, blushing wild at the images that were flashing in her mind. Dare to say, Christian was the only other man that created such a mixed response of strong emotions inside of her, apart from Terry. That was something she never had expected happening but it did and in its appearance Candy felt Terry fading away.

Most of the times, Terry's face showing through the haziness didn't bother her. Only when alone at night, once she poured a finger or two from her favourite brandy, relishing it while curling up on her big green armchair with only the reading light on and some smooth jazz music on the big gramophone, there in the semi darkness she would contemplate with nostalgia the lost chance she had with him. She would imagine what it would be like being a couple with him, would they fit together? What would they spend their time doing? Would he be surprised to see her changed?

In between sips of the strong liquor, endless corridors of million questions would open up in her mind and she would feel compelled to search every one of them until sleepiness would descent on her, making her eyelids feel heavy. She would go to bed sometimes with that longing in her heart that she didn't dare to feed with more thinking. Terry was thousand miles away in his own life and all those thoughts didn't help her to the least.

For now, Candy was enjoying taking in the spring fragrant air by drawing deep breaths, feeling the heat coming from Christian's lean body radiating on her chest. Sitting behind him, holding him tight around his waist pressing her cheek on his back felt like a dream. For a moment she closed her eyes sensing only him, under the roar of the motorcycle engine and the breeze that snaked below her hair caressing the nape of her neck.

"We're almost there !", he shouted over the noise of the engine.

Candy opened her eyes and lifted her head up. At short distance, the first houses of Cambridge appeared. In the two big leather motorcycle bags that were hanging on either side, he had packed a small canvas, paints and brushes in the one while some packed food and wine for lunch was stored in the other. It was going to be a fun day and Candy was looking forward to see Christian painting out in the open green fields, where he felt more at home than anywhere else.

They arrived in Cambridge. Candy was admiring the austere medieval stone buildings, the small picturesque cottages with the flower gardens up front. Spring was here for good and nature was welcoming the change with fresh leaves sprouting from the weathered trees and lilies blooming everywhere.

"We won't stop here", Christian said to her, "We've got plenty of time in the afternoon to explore Cambridge", he continued as they sped through the city, making a right turn when they reached the edge of a meadow, following a tarred path.

"Where are we heading?", Candy asked him.

"For now we are heading to the open countryside, Rose. Weather is just beautiful and I want to catch the morning light", he replied back to her, his hand squeezed hers that was resting on his belly.

Her heart skipped to his gesture. It was just a simple sweet gesture but it warmed her up inside, confirming to her that Christian was a great guy and she had done the right thing by spending time with him. She rested her cheek once more on his back, taking in the beauty of the green meadows that they were passing from. Everything was an adventure with him and she had come to the conclusion that she loved every minute of it.

They slowed down to a stop. They stepped off his bike, stretching their legs. In front of them there was an old "kissing" gate with the name "Paradise Nature reserve" carved on the wood.

"That's were we leave the bike", Christian said and started untying the leather bags that were hanging from it.

Candy looked around her and took a deep breath. She loved the outdoors. It was her link with her childhood, her cherished memories of Pony's place so she was always experiencing that uplifting feeling in her heart when she was surrounded by sparkling lush meadows and fields.

"You like what you see?", she heard Christian's soft voice behind her.

"Are you kidding Christian? I love it!", she said with enthusiasm that made her eyes look wider. "Thank you for bringing me here!", she sounded really grateful.

And it was true. She was content with the city life, given the young of her age but it had been a while since she had been in a place like that one and deep down she was craving for some quiet relaxing time away from the London noise. 

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