Chapter 59

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Berwick Street Market in Soho

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Berwick Street Market in Soho

The"Street of Silk Stockings" was much quieter on Sundays. Less punters were on a lookout for a bargain on a day which by definition was dedicated to rest and... football. Whereas the pubs were heaving with people, not as many frequented the market stalls and it was up to the individual seller whether they wanted to open their stalls or not.

Alice was there. It was a rare event for her to actually open her stall on a Sunday. The past few days were not her usual, run-of-the-mill days however. Having known Charlie's plans about Christian and her confrontation with him at his flat a couple of days ago - the fact that he had finally sussed out she had a crush on him - did make her to seek ways to keep her mind occupied. Charles MacDonald did not fail and neither did he give up on something he had decided. And if he had decided that Christian was someone that could harm him more than being an asset, then it wouldn't be long before they'd find him lying dead in a ditch.

She was observing the people passing by while the girl who was helping her, was arranging some of the merchandise on the stall.

"Don't shout, don't act surprised and don't think to ask for help, you're done for." She heard a whisper of a man's voice by her ear and felt a poke on her side. She hadn't even realised someone had approached her from her right. She froze and glanced down.The grey metal of a switch blade was pointing just below her ribcage. She nodded.

"Ask your girl to pack up the stall. You don't feel that good. Walk away. Don't think of doing anything stupid." He ordered her, with his voice coming through his clenched teeth.

She couldn't but do exactly as she was told. There wasn't anyone next to her when she asked Marie to close the stall. She felt ill all of a sudden. Perhaps something she had eaten. She was to just go home and lie down. Nothing to worry about. She took her bag and left. Walked the length of Berwick street, wanting so much to look back and not daring. She felt as tense as a taut rope.

She felt a bump on her right shoulder. She resisted the urge to jump, having been wound up, as tight as a spring ready to be released. "Turn here on your right." She heard the voice once again. She clutched her bad with her hand. Wondered whether she can swing it towards her abductor when she found a quiet spot.

They kept walking, her at front, him close behind her. The area with the stalls had ended. She saw some cars parked. That was her chance. She grabbed her bag but she was caught by the man before she had the chance to put her plan into action. She cursed through her teeth. He had grabbed her arm. Led her to the passenger side. Put her hands into handcuffs. He could see the rage inside her eyes. He pushed her inside the car while she squirmed and resisted going in. But he was stronger and she hadn't forgotten he also had a knife, thought he hadn't showed it again.

"Christian had warned me, you'd put up a fight." He said, sounding out of breath but glad he had already been informed by his friend.

He was behind the wheel. Took out of the glove compartment, a pair of racing goggles. He slipped them over her head and covered her eyes with them. He noticed her angered disapproval.

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