Chapter 31

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26 June 1925 (Friday)

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26 June 1925 (Friday)

Constable Melvin Grable entered the Highgate district police station that late Friday afternoon and closed hurriedly the door behind him, shutting the high wind alongside with other flying debris from the road outside the building. His ears were still buzzing with the constant crackling sound of the leaves as he was walking to the station, watching them branches scratching and scraping one another as if the trees had drawn their swords under those strong winds which had descended, battering London since noon that day.

He took his hat off, straightened his messed up hair and proceeded towards the desks occupied by his colleagues. He was to report for duty. It wasn't his turn to patrol the Highgate village but one of the constables on the evening patrol rota had called in sick. His wife, Bertha wasn't particularly happy about this eventuality but Melvin didn't mind. In fact he was rather excited. He had joined the force dreaming of adventures, mysteries, police chases and the pinnacle of his achievements was a chase once of a pickpocket whom he caught because the guy had complained of bad knee as he had managed to grab him and escort him to the police station. So a night time patrol suited him fine. Who knows? If he was lucky, he could come face to face with the Raven...should he decide to show up after a long hiatus in his activities. There had been no sign of the Raven for months. The Police Commissioner had decided to relax the evening patrols. He even thought that perhaps the Raven had decided to retire...but no one was saying that for certain.


I'm doing it alone, she said with a defiant confidence colouring her husky voice.

Then you are way more stupid than I thought, he said back. His grey eyes weren't moving an inch from her as she paced up and down his living room.

She had appeared unannounced in front of the entrance of his flat, at noon. The woman was not only insane, she was dangerous as well, the way she behaved without any concern. Had she been followed? Did she ever think that his woman may have been with him? Or whether he had any visitor for that matter...

Relax, she had said nonchalant. I've been watching you. And me followed...what do you think I am? Some girlie who gets hot playing cops and robbers?

She smiled a hard smile, a thin cigarette hanging from her deep red painted lips.

The thought of being watched by MacDonald's henchmen and his broad in particular, creeped him out. Made him being uncomfortable in his own skin.

It's the perfect moment! Those toffs will all be at Lewis' house. Tonight..., she pressed on. She looked excited as she kept walking, leaving rings of smoke behind her, growing larger as they floated to the ceiling like ripples in a pond.

He felt impatient. Her constant moving made him feel even more so. He grabbed her wrist as she passed in front of him for the umpteenth time. Like a coil she was pulled back. Her face swung towards him. She looked surprised.

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