Chapter 11

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New York

10 pm, in the theatre

Terry patted the sweat off his face with the cotton towel and threw it towards the costume rail. Tonight's play was over. He lay spread on his armchair, shirt unbuttoned, with a new cigarette hanging from his lips. He lit it, took a deep breath, relishing it, and exhaled quickly. He let his head fall on the back of the chair. He looked at the ceiling, with his eyes still. Always felt calm after a performance, almost empty, but in a good way. Tonight, perhaps, this calmness was more deep seated. Candy was well and he knew where to find her. He even thought it was destiny that their troupe was going to perform in London. Who could have thought it? He however, needed some time away when they would reach London. It would take them a month almost to set everything up. To be performance ready. He wanted the time for him and her to get to know each other from the start. Having not met for more than ten was a long period of time to bridge, even when feelings were strong. There was of course the nagging worry whether his feelings would be matched by hers. But Miss Pony's words were encouraging. For the time being, they were like a breeze on which his hopes glided. The thrill of reconnecting with Candy, spread from his core to the edges of his body. He blinked to the sound of a knock, and pulled his body upright, looking at the door.

"Come in", he said with a hoarse voice.

Robert walking in with a smile on his face.

"My boy...weren't you wonderful tonight Terry??", he said excitedly.

Terry laughed at his cheeriness. He hoped he kept it that way with what he was about to tell him.

"I'm glad you say so Robert, I thought it wasn't bad...", Terry replied to his comments with a smile.

"Hey, you undersell yourself there Terry!", and came close patting him over enthusiastically on the shoulder with pride, pushing the air out of Terry's lungs. He started coughing.

"Easy boss! You'll kill me!", he said a bit out of breath, and turned to him.

"Really, I'm glad you liked the performance", he said and smiled widely looking at him, "Because I have something to tell you", he continued.

"Oh, yes I know Terry, that's why I'm here"

Terry lowered his head looking down for a second took a deep breath, lifting his eyes up to meet with Robert's.

"I want to have some time off when we go to London ", he said.

"Of course, Terry! There is no problem!", Robert commented.

"For a whole month...", Terry said with one breath staring at him once more.

Robert's smile froze on his face in an instance.

"WHAT??!!! WHOLE MONTH??!!", he yelled on top of his lungs.

Terry stood up to Robert's reaction.

"Yes", he replied firmly, with the calm look of someone who had taken a decision and wasn't going to back down on it.

"May I remind you about the rehearsals?", Robert asked sternly but sounding nervous as the same time.

He knew that it would be hard to change Terry's mind once he had set his course on something. Terry's stance opposite him hadn't changed.

"You know and I know that I don't need to be there for the rehearsals", he commented.

Robert wasn't speaking for once.

"I promise to be present at the dress rehearsal"

Robert let his body fall on a nearby chair, before letting the air out of his lungs.

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