Chapter 33

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The dusk had come earlier than usual. Thick clouds full of lead were quickly filling up the sky above, hiding the last rays of a setting sun.

"What's the time Billy?" She turned and asked the man next to her.

You could hardly make their silhouettes from the distance. They were both dressed in black from head to tow. They were hiding within the trees of the Grandchester estate, right on the borders with Hampstead Lane. They stood opposite the beginning of Compton Avenue. Since it was a one-way street, their hiding spot was ideal for observing who was coming in and out.  The street had gone quiet for the last couple of hours. Alice and Billy had paid particular interest in that actor. He had stopped for a good fifteen minutes, staring across the grounds intently while he was smoking a cigarette. Having been tailing Christian for a couple of weeks now, she had also came to know that man who was sitting inside the car with a frozen stare on his face as he kept looking at the Grandchester mansion. She had found him enigmatic. Despite being someone who had practically just arrived in the London scene, he behaved as if he was acting according to his own agenda, albeit a hidden one. He also seemed at ease going through London's streets. Her well honed instinct was telling her that he was someone they should pay attention to. In this instance though, she had more crucial plans to follow.

"It's ten." He said as he glanced at his pocket watch.  She looked up at the dark sky. The wind whooshed through the thick foliage of the oak trees above them.

"You think we'll get the rain before we make a move?" She asked him.

"P'raps..." He replied, scrunching his nose, smelling the air that had turned cooler.

"When did that copper make his round?" She asked again.

"T'was half an hour ago." He said again. "It'll be another hour and a half before he shows up again"

"I should be in the house right after" She said while repeating the details of the plan in her mind.

"Let's hope it won't burst into a downpour" Billy said back, his eyes scanning the pregnant sky once more.

"Let's hope so" She repeated his concern.


The evening was well underway inside the residence of Sir Edward. Everyone was in conversation with whomever was in the little wells of guests that had been formed. A continuous hum of chatting and loud laughter was floating in the air, the champagne was flowing equally uninhibited. 

"Who knows...we may entice Mr. Graham to pursue his career in London..."

Terrence smiled politely to Sir Lewis. His stare fell on Candy chatting away with Marion in the distance. Their eyes met for only briefly before she turned her head back to Marion. He thought she looked annoyed. He pressed his lips, controlling the frustration he felt inside. He turned his stare back to Sir Edward.

"However attractive that may sound Sir, I'm afraid by now, life for me is in New York." He commented. It was true he thought. Was there anything for him here...he seriously had started to have doubts.

"What is it with English actors moving to the States?" Lord Wooster commented, taking a sip from his champagne flute.

"Who else did?" Sir Edward asked him, looking surprised.

"Don't you remember? Eleanor Baker? Amazing actress. A goddess she was. Still is!" Lord Wooster said, his cheeks turning redder by the minute. "Do you know her Mr. Graham?"

Terry paused for a second. Had a sip of his drink.

"I know of her..." he said but he sounded hesitant. The name of his mother picked his interest. He wasn't keen however, to continue this conversation. In all honesty, there wasn't much to say anyways. His relationship with Eleanor had been kept a secret still. Initially so due to Eleanor's career, and then due to his career, Terry being keen not to be labelled as the son and so. He wanted to make his own name from the ground up. Having changed his surname as well, he was well and truly on his own. With no ties to any Dukedom in England, or the Queen of Broadway.

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