Chapter 25

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The little black van swayed and rocked while speeding on the cobbled streets. At the back Christian felt like poker dice being thrown about inside the cup. A fitting analogy to think about, given he hadn't a clue where they were going. He more or less knew the why and the who. Charles "Wag" McDonald, the boss of the Elephant Boys was seeking his presence. He wished wherever the dice may fall, they would fall in his favour. Dust was filling the back of the van, the air felt warm and dry on his nostrils. The stare of the guys opposite him was blank, leaving no clues. Complete poker faces. The trail of a sweat tear run down his temple.

"All right boys?", he asked, while breaking into a smile, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I suggest you keep your wits for laters, Feathers...", the guy with his cap hung low, shadowing his washed out blue eyes, murmured between his teeth to Christian.

Christian's stare froze on the thug's face, became an ice wall, hiding all his thoughts behind. He already knew this trip wasn't good. Rose came to his mind. Worry descended. Mixed with fear. What would he say to her? If and when he could get away. He was almost certain, this impromptu ride was connected with the fact he had decided to withdraw the Raven from terrorising the safes of the London's rich and famous mansions. No more Black Feathers he had said to Billy. Billy had warned him but he chose to ignore it. "Wag" McDonald knew when to strike though. When to best slide the razor. On his fucking gallery opening day. When people would notice he'd be missing. When he would have to make excuses. When to maximise his fear. Getting on the wrong side of the "Wag" was serious.

His timing to retire his secret life couldn't have been worse. The war between McDonald and his Elephant Boys who had sided with Billy Kimber against that psychopath Sabini, was getting more and more violent. The stakes as to who will govern London were higher than ever.

Billy Pike, who Christian had befriended on a drunken winter night at the Duke over on Waterloo Road a couple of years ago, had been one of them boys. Black Feathers was born then. Out of booze soaked dare and anger over his aristocrat real father, the Raven opened its wings that night. Billy had been intrigued. Here was this guy who kept buying pints for everyone, obviously from not around his neighbourhood, and definitely not having lived rough in his life, flamboyant, loud and crazy as fuck, having drunk half the bar when he cursed all rich bastards, in love with their money and diamonds. Sod them all! He had shouted. Wouldn't it be good if someone lighten that load off of them? Christian had whispered to Billy's ear on a friends headlock.

"You crazy bastard", Billy had said between fits of laughter. He liked this Christian guy.

"Too right my man!" Christian had shouted, banging his hand to the table, making the pints glasses jump and jingle. "Want to see how much of a crazy bastard I am?", he had asked.

People were looking at their corner with amused looks, turning slowly to curiousness. Billy didn't need the attention. And nor this poor loon who kept going about this fucking rich bitch who let him high and dry over some other rich bastard. He put his arm around Christian's neck, prompting him to move towards the door.

"Listen here Christian, my about getting out to let cold air blow our faces, huh?", he had asked.

They went out the moment the rain was almost horizontal, travelling with great speed on the direction of the wind. Christian's face turned serious, as if he had sobered up in a mere minute. They were getting soaked.

"Billy, are you with me?", he asked with half a breath and teeth chattering from the cold that was penetrating their bones but there was a fire blazing inside his sky blue eyes. How could he say no? He was part of the fucking Elephant boys, any kind of crazy adventure was already part of his blood.

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