Chapter 19

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On the streets of London

Already four days had passed since his feet walked again the streets of London after all those years. It didn't take him too long to start feeling he was at home. He took a deep breath. The constant and slightly sweet and acrid smell in the air from all the wood and coal burning, was mixed with the smells from the trees and the grass of its glorious parks, and the river dampness from Thames. He could be blindfolded and could still know he was in the city he grew up. Memories of his childhood were awakening inside him that had been asleep for a very long time.

The city was alive with traffic, people going about their every day lives. They were looking more relaxed compared to New Yorkers. There the streets felt like rivers of never ending energy coming from all the immigrants who kept coming from the four corners of the earth to make a life of their own in the biggest metropolis of the world. Londoners on the other hand, took their time to tip their hats off, and break a polite smile as they passed by him. Ever the typical English, they followed the etiquettes of their society to the last letter. He used to hate this blind insistence to tradition and social rules, but ten and more years after, he realised he found his compatriots amusing. At least he knew they kept to themselves and that was one of the English personality traits he liked very much considering his idiosyncrasies.

On the Saturday, two days ago, he had decided to visit St. Paul's college, his old school. Under other circumstances, he would have thought of this decision of his as stupid sentimentality, specifically because this place had come to symbolise everything he despised in the high aristocratic society his father belonged.

But again, time had proved to be the biggest illusionist in life and what seemed so unbearable all that long ago, now it merely merited a lift of his eyebrow coupled with mocking seriousness as he introduced himself to the nun who had come to the entrance to check who was that person who had kept hitting the bell of the imposing wrought iron gates. So yes, he was curious to wander about the college's grounds, and in comparing his feelings of the present with those of the past, to finally get a sense of how far he'd come from that teenager who used to be full of angst and hate, the one who couldn't wait to break free from that rich obnoxious prison. He knew however, that the passage of time will weigh heavy in his mind in regards to one person, and that was Candy. But he kept all those thoughts for the now in check while he dusted off the Grandchester name.

He never had thought he would use it again, but to say he was a Grandchester to Sister Beatrice at the gates of St. Paul's was like being given a free pass to all areas of the college. Of course he had to meet with the Headmistress of the college.

Sister Grey had left her position, around the same time he had left. Her departure was a bit of a hush hush situation. Happened abruptly and without too much explanation. It was amazing what one man could find by a nun overeager to chat and by doing that, exposing minor scandals to someone who looked earnest enough and was up for some banter till they reached the heavy arched oak doors that led to the college interiors.

Was Terrence Grandchester a relative?, she had asked. By the looks of her, Sister Beatrice seemed young, too young for her to having been at the college while Terry and Candy were there. He coughed and admitted that yes, Terrence Grandchester was a distant cousin. But he knew St. Paul's stellar reputation and wanted to check the school for his future children. He was to marry you see quite soon to his sweetheart. The nun exclaimed to his confession with an excited voice and congratulated him with a wide smile.

"Forgive me if I say this, but your cousin didn't carry the fine reputation the Grandchester name has", Sister Beatrice continued in a low voice, sharing with Terry secrets of the school which had been weaved into the history it carried within its walls.

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