Chapter 50

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The intermission ended with a mood of uneasiness having settled inside Christian's girlfriend having sat down on her seat, middle third row. Christian, briefly had forgotten about Terry and their rivalry over Rose. He had also forgotten about his business with MacDonald and how Alice's error in judgement had in all probability landed him in hot waters. 

Having had the opportunity to meet with the Duke of Grandchester was something he had sought for quite some time. Just by position on the society ladder, he stood above everyone else Christian knew. In reality, he did not care about society classes and the aristocracy. But he was old enough to know how the system worked. Inside and out. And he played according to its rules on the surface. Black Feathers dealt with everything else under the surface, in the dead of the night, lightening the load of some of their riches. 

An endorsement from the Duke however...this was his life's opportunity as a painter, an artist. It was going to be a family portrait. Artistically speaking, not the most groundbreaking of themes. Still he could experiment with colours, paints, styles. He awaited that visit to the Grandchester mansion with great eagerness. Once he was most settled as a portrait painter for the Royals - the Duke of Grandchester was as close as he could get to the Royal family for a start - he could have the means also to explore his personal artistic themes. 

He really had to keep this as much as he could under wraps. Whether he was followed by Billy or not, or Alice for that matter, he had to make sure no one from MacDonald's people would know. Rose most definitely had to join him at that visit to the Duke's mansion. For all they knew, tomorrow was just a social visit for tea and nothing more than that. 

The curtains went up. 

Act III, Scene 1

Enter King, Queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Lords.

Hamlet's behaviour remains a mystery to Claudius and his mother. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern upon their return, they report to the royal couple that they were not able to find out why Hamlet behaved as erratical as they had mentioned. Indeed he had been acting very excited about the theatre troupe and its actors. Both Queen Gertrude and Claudius agree to watch the play with Hamlet that same night.

As Hamlet's friends leave, Claudius orders Gertrude to leave as well. He puts another plan in action where he and Polonius will spy on Hamlet's confrontation with Ophelia.


The stage is lit by the glow of the torchlights. A soft spotlight beams towards the edge. Hamlet shows up. Alone, he walks in the empty room where everyone had gathered prior, the discussions and the plans about his mind, still fresh were echoing on the walls. 

His steps are heavy. His shoulders hunched, the weight of his situation, the thoughts carried in his mind, too heavy for his body to bear. Didn't even notice Ophelia, who was sitting at the table with a book open in front of her. He paces while clearly he is bothered by something. Then he stops and turns to the audience. 

Terry takes a deep breath. He realises, he was preparing for that moment, his whole life. He pushes his hand through his hair, stops midway. Out loud, his thoughts, the dilemma that tears through him is known. 

His voice rides on top of his thoughts; pauses to give time to mull things overs, to examine them.

 It's deep and thoughtful, at points tortured. 

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