Alternative Chapter 68

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(I know I still owe Chapter 69 and, it is half finished. However, real life got in the middle and made it impossible for me to have it ready.  It won't take too long though. I also want to thank you for all your amazing comments from the previous chapter. I know everyone was getting desperate to read some long-awaited loving between Candy and Terry after all that tension and drama. The two scenes below are alternative scenes. It is Day 3 on the island, Friday as it was on Chapter 68 - but here is it different, although the loving is equally hot and intense as always between them. Candy's Game is an old scene, you'll notice the differences in the plot and the Game of poker is a scene I only wrote a month ago but in the end I decided to keep and post the original scene at the beach, which you all have read in Chapter 68. Without further ado, I give you both alternative scenes here. They are of adult content so if you're not comfortable with reading, you can leave them out. Otherwise, enjoy!!)

Candy's Game

It was a pale dreary morning spreading outside their cabin. Candy's eyes looked with disappointment at the grey quiet sea, its calm waves lapping almost outside their door.

"So much for Scottish summer...", she murmured sounding frustrated.

"I'm going to have a shower", she heard Terry's voice, hoarse from the sleep, behind her.

She turned and looked at him, standing behind her in his pyjama bottoms, holding his bathrobe.

"OK", she replied as a matter of fact, turning back to face the sea.

She heard the door closing and exhaled in relief.

She was angry that Terry had dragged her to the Isle of Barra, a small island west off the Scottish coast, practically kidnapping her; however, a part of her liked that action of his just the same. Whatever her conflicting feelings were, she wasn't prepared to bend over backwards for him, after the way he had behaved. In fact, she shouldn't be there at all.

Terry may have had changed, but so had she. The part of hers that carried all her memories of him, the pain of their separation, the love that was buried, longed for him, was practically screaming for his touch, his love...and the woman she had become wanted to punish him, to show him how he hurt her...wasn't even sure whether his actions were driven by his bruised ego or his love for her. Did he love her still? Or had he been in love with the girl from back then, that wasn't really there anymore?

Now she was stuck in the middle of nowhere with him, and there was no way out until they had resolved everything between them. But until then, there was no reason why she couldn't have fun with him...a flash of mischievousness run through her stare sharing her half smile as she looked at the bathroom door. She heard him shutting the water, turned and looked at the big clock that hung over the fireplace. A quarter to nine. Almost time for Mrs. Burns to visit them with supplies.

She got up and walked towards the bathroom door, knocking at it gently.

"Come in", she heard him reply to her knocking.

Candy opened the door, and smiled widely to him as he finished drying his hair with the towel. She was staring at his face, looking rugged being unshaven for a few days now.

"You need a shave", she said to him.

"Does it bother you?", he asked her almost snapping at her.

"As long as you don't try to kiss me, I'm fine", she replied with attitude.

His eyes softened, he had realised he had sounded snappy.

"I guess I can shave", he sighed.

"Would you let me do it for you?", she asked with the sweetest tone in her voice.

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