Chapter 53

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Terry drove Marion to the Good Samaritans centre after their lunch at the park. Needless to say she was in the bestest of moods. She even suggested whether Terry would want to come in and say hi to the ladies, to which proposal Terry politely refused.

Give an inch, she takes a mile...

Not to mention that Candy could be in there too. To her thought, for a moment he became preoccupied with the fact that Marion would definitely talk. How would she react when she would hear from her friend that he kissed her?

He felt Marion's peck on his cheek and was brought back to the car. He smiled. He wouldn't be able to see her till Saturday, he told her. Theatre all day Friday, travelling to Stratford on Saturday with Sir Flower. She was mildly disappointed but when he told her he'd escort her as promised to the 'Angels and Demons' party, her usual cheerful look settled back on her face.

He left. Checked the time on his watch. Two o'clock. He could head over to his father. The question that had reared its ugly head after his unexpected visit once the play had finished the night before, was still burning a hole in his brain. He'd hate to send the director of the Shakespeare estate to hell on Saturday so he had to find out. Even if that meant another difficult, most probably confrontational discussion with his father. Robert was right though, he had to admit it. He had pulled the breaks on his temper before he entered the theatre bar, ready to create havoc and most probably generate the scandal of the summer. Thankfully it hadn't happened.

His lunch with Marion and the kiss that had sort of happened

How the fuck did I do that?

Had managed to take a lot of heat from the mood he would most certainly have otherwise. He hadn't helped him back then with Candy even when Terry had dropped his tough bastard son persona and had implored him. He doubted whether if ever they could see eye to eye. For Terry, his father was everything he tried all his life to stay clear of. That stuffed up, old World mentality, dry and inflexible, like the wooden ruler he was beaten up with.

But for now, while his car ate the miles, one after the other, getting him closer to the place he lived while growing up, all he could think of was Candy and Marion. A few hours back he felt determined. His chances with Candy burned to a crisp. Damn it, he wasn't going to become a monk just because he couldn't have a girl he had loved ten years ago. But having done that step, didn't make him feel better. On the contrary, his mind was filled gradually with a haze of regret.

Stupid man, can't take a decision

He pressed his foot to the pedal. The air wizzed in his ears. As soon as he could finish with this visit, the better. He could then return to his dark corner at the bowels of the theatre where he felt he had learned to leave everything that bothered him, behind.


Both Terry's and Christian's lives were unfolding at the same time. Two seemingly parallel lives which under other circumstances would never cross each other. One woman had changed their direction.

Christian had left Rose behind having agreed to give her a few days to work out what she felt. He managed to be gentleman enough about it, despite his initial reaction. His anger hadn't disappeared though. It had only changed direction. How could he be angry with Rose? For her, it was only natural to feel confused, the way this other man had come into her life as if he had dropped from the sky on a cloudless day.

No, the anger he felt spreading like blood sipping out an open wound, was directed to Terry. He who, the moment he made himself acquainted, had become almost like a permanent fixture in their lives since.

He had headed towards the gallery with a head full of thoughts, sketched by angry hands, heavy dark strokes each one was carrying. He met with Sir Witt who was very pleased with how well Christian's paintings were received. They were on the last day of the exhibition. The paintings which were sold, had to be packaged and send to their new owners. The press was going to be there that evening to cover the closing by having an interview with Christian.

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