toxic people

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i have/had many toxic people in my life.

first lets see the definition of toxic.

as you can see above, it basically means harmful

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as you can see above, it basically means harmful. Many friends or even family members are harmful. In so many ways. It can vary from they do not respect their elders, their parents, their siblings. They lie so much to build a fake reputation of themselves. They don't have manners, to extreme meaning they do drugs and basically "abuse" you.

Being a fake friend/person and being a toxic friend/person is not the same thing. You can be both yes, but it is not necessary that they are the same thing.

Most toxic people behave like this--

.they are bitter when you have things they dont

.they doubt every achievement you have/do

.they are untrustworthy

.they are dissatisfied with everything around them and maybe even themselves

.they talk way too much (like i mean they NEVER shut up)

.They lie and tell improbable stories in which you know that are not true

.they are arrogant

.they are way too stubborn (ex. they will not listen to anyone elses opinion)

.they assume EVERYTHING and gets mad when you try to explain your side of a situation

.they get in fights and get really mad over petty and little things

.they believe violence is the morally correct way to fight violence

.you cannot tell them anything because you fear they might hold a grudge against you


If any people in your life Are like at least 3 of above, just be cautious...

If you do not want to read the whole rant, at least listen to this. If you are fearing your friend or a person in your life will make a snarky comment or make you feel bad about yourself or just push you away, or scream at you,why would you want to keep this person as a friend? A true friend will NEVER ask you to sacrifice or comprimise one of your morals or principals in order to keep the friendship alive.

friendship is about trust. A true friend inspires you to live up to your best potential. Friendship is when you love someone with every single grain of your body and genuinely want them to be happy even if it means sacrificing something important to you or your self to make them happy.

If I cut you off, it is probably because you handed me the sissors. I have a limit. When you go beyond that limit, it is time for you to leave my life.

If you don't not realize it now, you will once realize that in the future.  there are going to be people that cannot create more happiness for you. When there is a rotten apple in a bowl surrounded by fresh apples, the fresh apples start growing rotten because of the rotten fruit that is surrounding them. That is the same idea as friendships. If you surround yourself with bad and toxic people, you will be like them and turn into them. You eventually learn those people will eventually destroy happiness for you.

Also, saying the truth about people to other people is not considered spreading RUMOURS and TALKING BEHIND THEIR BACK. Unless if it is something made up, it is NOT A RUMOUR.

Do not make time for people who do not make time for you.

In the end? Losing friends is a part of life. Not everyone is ment to stay with you, and that is fine.

Btw if you follow my on my CVG IG account, u probably already know how I feel about this

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