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I laid in my bed and played on my phone for a while. There was nothing else to do, and no one else to talk to. The twins were outside filming a video,
and Cameron was deep into a "Charmed" marathon. While I was reading through Instagram, I hear,
I run to the window, look out In the backyard, and see poor Grayson duct taped to a chair, and Ethan shooting gross stuff at him. Now I'm happy that they didn't force me to film them. I was going to, but since I knew it was going to be a prank, I decided against it. I yelled,

    "You ok Gray?"

Grayson said,

    "Does it look like i'm ok?"

I laughed. He continued to yell in disgust. Our neighbors probably hate us. I went downstairs to see if Cameron heard, and sure enough she did. She was keeping a close eye on them to make sure Ethan didn't hurt Grayson. I went outside and watched this up close. I couldn't just not watch this was hilarious. After Ethan got done making Grayson look gross, He looked at the camera and said

    "Now, i'm going to go get some pizza and let Grayson have some 'me' time."

Grayson said,


I laughed. Grayson glared at me. As soon as he did so, his phone rang. I answered,


Some guy was talking, and asked for either Ethan or Grayson. I said,

    "Sure, Grayson's kind of tied up at the moment, but Ethan's available, here he is."

Grayson said,

    "Who was it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and he sighed. Ethan said,

    "Thank you, bye! Gray! That was our manager Dan(fake name)! We are goin on a 4outour!

My eyes widened. 4ou tour of just them? This was huge! I ran in the house and told Cameron. I said,
"Cameron! E and Gray are going on A tour called 4ou!
As soon as I said the words though, I realized that it was actually a sad thing for me. Sure I didn't see my brothers a lot as it was, but them being gone on tour with 4ou, then going back to LA until Thanksgiving was kind of disheartening. I ran up to my room and laid face first on my bed. All of a sudden, my door opened. I picked my head up to see the twins. Ethan said,
"Ashlynn can we talk to you for minute?"
I said,
"Sure, I mean you are already in my room, might as well."
Grayson said,
"Enough with the attitude."
I scoffed. Ethan said,
"Look, we..we heard that you might be upset seeing us go because it's a long way away from you and the family."
I said,
"Thats pretty much it in a nut shell. How long is the tour anyway?"
Ethan said,
"4 months."
I said,
"4 MONTHS! Then you guys go back to LA for 6 more and come home 3 weeks for Thanksgiving! That's the longest I've went without seeing you! 10 months? That's a almost a whole year!"
Grayson said,
"Congratulations Ash, you know how many months are in a year."
I said,
"This not a time for joking! When do you guys leave?"
Ethan and Grayson looked at each other, then back at me. Ethan said,
"I'm afraid you are gonna have to go 10 months and 2 weeks without seeing us."
I said,
"You leave Sunday?!?"
I sighed. Grayson said,
"It'll be ok Ash. It's not like you are never gonna see us again."
I said,
"Yeah. I'll see you again in a year. But this is what's best for you and your career, so have fun. Please get out of my room."
Grayson ruffled my hair, then him and Ethan left. At dinner, my brothers told my mom and dad about the 4ou tour, and they were happy, but had the same concern as me, going almost a year without seeing them.

For the next two days, I was silent and only spoke when spoken to. I didn't leave my room that much, which i didn't do to much of normally, and I kind of stayed to myself. My brothers couldn't care that much about leaving the family for almost a year, than I shouldn't either.

The meeting place for the boys to start the tour was Massachusetts. They were gonna go internationally of course also. My mom, dad, Cameron, and I drove my brothers to the airport so they could fly to Massachusetts to meet up with their manager before the tour started. When we got there, my brothers hugged us all. I was a little hesitant, and stubborn. I wouldn't except that they were going and I wouldn't see them again until after their 18th birthday, and my 15th ((my birthday is May 15th) and btw that's a fake birthday). We all sat down in the waiting area and talked, everyone but me. I'd been silent since two days ago when they told me how long tour was. 20 minutes later, their flight gets called to board. They got their suitcases and started walking towards the plane, when I ran after them and hugged them. I cried into Grayson's chest. They rubbed my back and Grayson said,
    "Guess she loves us after all E."
Ethan hugged me and I cried into his chest. Ethan said,
    "Come on Ash, please don't cry. You'll see us soon. The time will pass so quick that you won't even have time to miss us. Then we will be home to annoy you."
I laughed and little. They hugged me tight, and walked towards the boarding area, both looking back at me crying. I ran to my mom and she kissed my forehead, Cameron started crying and I noticed the twins sneak a peek at her to. This was gonna be a long 10 months.

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