Sounds More Like Revenge

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I sat down on the couch and waited for Ethan and Grayson to talk. All of the boys were sitting on the other couch, and Hayes and Alex were on either side of me. Ethan took Gray to the back bedroom and closed the door. Next thing I know, in what seemed like 5 minutes, I hear yelling. The boys and I look between each other. I figured they knew about a fraction of what was going on. Then, just as suddenly as the screaming started, it stopped. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, relaxed and waited for the boys to exit the bedroom.  Five minutes later, Grayson followed by Ethan walked out of the bedroom. Gray came up to me and said, "Could I speak to you in private?"
I nodded, got up, and followed Grayson to the bedroom. I sat down on the bed, he sat down next to me, and we faced each other. He said, "So, Ethan told me you and him talked, and that you apologized for calling us liars."
I nodded. He said, "He also told me about Jake blackmailing you, and how you would have much rather had your reputation ruined then mine and his....thank you."
I nodded. He then said, "So, after thinking about it a little bit, I've decided to forgive you."
I said, "Thanks Gray, really."
Grayson said, "Don't think that you're gonna get away with it so fast. I talked it over with E, and you're gonna be on our next video: 'Grayson and Ethan Dare Ashlynn."
I said, "No!"
He smirked and said, "Yes. Don't worry we won't make you do anything life threatening or dangerous. We will even let you dare us next if you want."
I said, "Deal. Also, what were you guys yelling about in here?"
Grayson said, "Ethan was trying to get me to forgive you, and I wouldn't, I'll admit. But then he told me something I'll keep in mind for years to come."
I said, "What?"
He said, "He said to me 'Dude, this isn't just some friend that you can cut out of your life because they offended or hurt you. This is our little sister. Sister, as in family. Family comes before anything. You can unfriend people all you want, you can choose to be friends with whoever you want, but no matter what you do or say, or what Ashlynn says or does, she'll always be your little sister, Whether you like it or not. You can't unfriend her then expect to find someone to take her place. It doesn't work that way, especially when it comes to family.' After he told me this, I thought about it and he was right. We may argue and fight, call each other names, and disagree with one another on a daily basis but your still my sister, and I accept your apology. I'm sorry too. The way Ethan and I treated you was not right."
I nodded and said, "No disagreements here. I'm just happy we settled this before mom and dad had too. Now THAT would've been bad."
Grayson said, "Yeah, you've got a point."
I said, "Also, are you sure E told you that? Cause it sounds like you got that off from a magazine or something. Plus since when is Ethan so smart?"
Someone yelled right then and said, "I heard that!!"
Grayson and I laughed, then I got up and hugged him. We don't hug each other that often so it's always kind of awkward but this time, it felt fine. He got up, held the door for me like a gentleman-my dad taught him and Ethan well lol- and then he made his way back to the driver's seat, and I sat down on the couch. Maybe this trip would be fun after all, well other than the fact that they are make me do some probably bad and gross stuff for a video but fingers crossed it won't be so bad 😂 🤞

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