The Truth Comes Out

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As I was laying there crying, I realized that, maybe it was time for me tell them the truth about everything that had been going on. Then, apologize for calling them liars. That was not right of me, and I didn't have any proof that they were liars making it even more not right. I banged on the door until someone could take the coat hanger away and unlock it. I yelled,
    "Please!!! Somebody!! Anybody! I need to talk to Ethan and Grayson!! It's important!!! Please!!! Unlock the door!!"

Hayes P.O.V
I was sitting on the couch when I heard banging coming from the back bedroom. I then heard Ashlynn yelling. It broke my heart to be honest. I felt so bad for her. I looked at Nash and the rest the guys, and they had the same sad and concerned faces. Finally, after hearing her yell so much, I gave in and ran back there. I undid the coat hanger and opened the door. She said,
    "Hayes? Thank you so much!! Can you get my brothers to back here, well Ethan I guess?"
I nodded and walked up to where Ethan was.  I said,
    "Hey bro."
He said,
I said,
    "Hey, look, I heard Ashlynn shouting back there, and she really wants to talk to you, and it's about something really important."
Ethan sighed and I said,
    "It's important. If you don't go back there I'll throw your hat that you're wearing out the window!"
I don't know how something as stupid as that worked, but it did. He pushed past me and walked back to where Ashlynn was.

Ashlynn's P.O.V
I sat on the bed, and waited patiently for one of my brothers. A few seconds later, the door opened, and revealed Ethan. I've always gotten along better with Ethan better than Grayson. I wasn't sure why until a few years ago when my parents started calling me the golden child and getting a lot of attention from my parents because I'm the youngest. Grayson was technically the youngest until I came along when him and Ethan were 3, so since then, he's kinda been meaner, and more annoying, and just more of a jerk towards me than Ethan sometimes. I'm used to it, and understand where he's coming from though. Ethan said,

    "What is so important?"

I said,

    "Come sit down."

I patted a place on the bed, and he sighed, rolled his eyes, and sat down. He said,


I said,

    "Look, I know that you saw my latest tweets and I want to tell you, that I didn't mean a word of what I said especially about you and Gray. Someone, I have no idea who, is blackmailing me. They've told me to do certain things everyday or else they'll ruin your and Gray's career, and your reputation, and mine to. But honestly, I only cared about your reputation and career, not mine."

Ethan gave me a concerned look, and said,

    "Are you serious? Or are you just kidding around with me?"

I said,

    "I'm serious! Also I'm sorry I called you and Gray liars. I had no right to, I'm sorry."

Ethan sighed and said,

    "As real as all of this sounds, I just don't know if I believe you."

I said,

    "You can ask Cameron. I was supposed to get my task today, but I'm here so I can't. Cam said she was going to take care of it. Which reminds me, I need to call her and ask her what they told me to do. Want to sit in on the FaceTime call?"

Ethan shrugged his shoulders and said,

    "Sure, I guess."

I nodded, took my phone out, and called Cameron. After 3 rings, she picked up.

C: Hey how's your trip going so far?

A: Hey, alright I guess. So did you get the new task?

C: Yeah. I'll send you a pic so you'll have a copy but, it says  "I know that this isn't you reading this, but I also know that these words will make their way to you. Ok, so your task for today, I'm going to give you some time to do. You have to runaway and get your brothers in trouble with your parents, and make them hate you even more. Do this, and get sent home as well. Lie to your brothers and parents about what you did while you ran away. Remember, your's and your brothers' reputations are on the line."

A: Ugh! I hate this! Cam we need to set a trap and catch this person!

C: Ash, I'm fixing to tell you something that you will happy about.

A: What is it?

C: I kind of already set the trap and caught the person, well  person, putting a cream colored envelope under the Cedar tree. Here, take a look. I have no clue who it is, but you should.

Cameron turned the camera, and I saw a boy, sitting, and tied to a chair. It looked like none other than Jake Paul. I said,

    "JAKE PAUL! What the heck is going on?!? Why would you blackmail me? I barely know you!"

Jake smirked and said,

    "For views, duh!"

Ethan took my phone and said,

    "Dude! You're a sick and twisted, SOB! You don't think about other people, and you don't consider what could happen when you do something STUPID! Your name should be Jake STUPID FOR VIEWS Paul! Leave my sister alone! We've done nothing to you! Grayson and I used to be your friend, and I don't regret much, but you can bet that I regret that. NEVER blackmail my sister again, and do not hurt my other sister Cameron or I will kill you!"

Jake didn't say anything. Ethan said,

    "Cam, do me a favor and turn him into the police. Thanks."

Cameron said,

    "Sure thing."

I said,


She said,

    "Love you guys, bye."

Ethan and I said,

    "Love you."

I looked at Ethan and said,

    "Now do you believe me?"

Ethan nodded and said,

    "Yes. I do. I'm gonna go fill Gray in. I accept your apology about calling us liars. Also, we are at our first rest stop it looks like, so lets get out and go walk around a little bit."

I nodded, then hugged him. He was caught off guard a little bit, but hugged me back, then went to fill in Gray about this whole situation. Who'd of thought Jake Paul would get involved. That through me for a loop, that was random, VERY RANDOM.

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