Back to Normal

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A/N: Gonna skip to them being home for about a month because I'm too lazy to write all what happens in between. 😂

Its been a month since my brothers came home, and honestly it's like they never left. Still annoying me more than ever but I'm doing the same, don't worry.

Today, I was laying on my bed looking at my phone, with nothing to do, when a thought occurred to me. I could just go annoy my brothers, that's something to do and it's fun. I got up, and went to Grayson's room first. When I opened the door, nobody was in there. Huh, he's probably in Ethan's room. I go to the other side of the hallway, past the bathroom to Ethan's room. I open the door, and sure enough they were both in there, playing video games. They turned towards me when the door opened and Ethan said,
"Knock much?"
I said,
"Why knock? I knew you didn't have a girl in here."
He paused the game and his eyes narrowed as he looked at me. He then turned his head back towards the screen and unpaused it. I laughed, and Grayson gave me high five. Now it was time to annoy. I sat on the bed and thought about how I could do this. I could 1. Stand in front of the TV and walk back and forth in front of it, 2. Go to Grayson's room and threaten to touch something he doesn't want me to, or 3. Touch something in E's room that he doesn't want me to touch. They all seemed pretty fun to be honest. So I started with number 1 and worked my way down 😂. I jumped up from the bed and stood in front of the TV. Grayson said,
"Get out of the way."
I crossed my arms and continued to stand there. I then saw the plug to the TV out of the corner of my eye. Ethan said,
I said,
Ethan saw me take another look over at the cable and said,
    "Don't even think about it."
I continued to stand there. I could tell they were getting annoyed. Grayson said,
    "If you don't move within the next ten seconds, I'm gonna pound you."
I said,
    "We will see about that won't we?"
I stared at him and I said,
    "10 seconds is up."
He stood up and I ran to the side of the bed. Ethan grabbed me and threw me on the bed. Him and Grayson punched me one time each then got back to their game. This was fun, yeah getting punched hurt like crazy, but I could bear it. I sat up behind them and started rubbing their hair. They swatted me away, then I went and stood in front of the TV. Grayson said,
    "No! We are not doing this again. Get out!"
He pulled me away and started taking me to the door. I said,
    "This is Ethan's room."
Ethan said,
   "Get out!"
I smiled and Grayson said,
Ethan pushed me out and while he was closing the door he said,
    "Your so annoying!"
I yelled,
I smiled and went back to my room. I was gonna go to Grays room but I decided not to because they were already mad enough as it was. This was exactly what happened before they got famous. We annoyed the crap out of each other. Things were back to normal for sure. Now I know why me and brothers missed each other, we missed having someone else to annoy!

A/N2: Sorry this chapter is so short, hope you enjoyed it though! Dm me some ideas for more chapters so I know what you guys want and I can write it in! Thanks! :)

Ethan and Gray's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now