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The next morning, I laid in bed and if you didn't hear me snoring, you'd think I was dead because I wasn't moving a muscle. I laid there dreaming of "fairies and unicorns" when all of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my rib area. I jolted up and raised my voice in pain. I looked down and saw a yellow smudge on my pajama shirt. I then looked back up and saw Grayson and Ethan with paintball guns, laughing. I said,
"Ow! Excuse you!"
Grayson looked at his hand, which I just now noticed was holding a camera, and said,
"And that guys is how you wake up your sister."
I groaned and flopped back down on my pillow. Yep there was never a dull moment in this household. If there was a camera around, you can bet there was something epic about to go down so the twins or my mom could film it. After a few minutes, I noticed that Ethan and Grayson were still in my room just looking at me. I said,
    "Take a picture it'll last longer."
They both laughed then left.
Yes, I know can be sassy, but you try waking up to a paintball in the rib, then we'll see how good of a mood you're in. I got out of bed seeing as how I knew I couldn't get back to sleep after that little incident. I made my bed, and got dressed soon afterwards. When I got downstairs, Ethan and Grayson were already sitting at the table. My mom said,
"Good morning hun, sleep well?"
I stole a look over at Grayson and Ethan and they were smirking. I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction,
"Yes, I slept good thanks."
My mom said,
"That's good, wouldn't want you to be tired when one of your favorite people arrives later today."
My eyes widened and I said,
"Cameron's coming over?"
My mom said,
" Yes, about 3:00. That way she'll be here for dinner tonight. She's going to stay for a week or two so she can visit with her favorite young teen and favorite twins!"
I said,
"Yes! I can't wait to see her!"
Gray said,
"Man, she's so excited you'd think she'd seen Santa Clause or something."
I said,
"Shut up."
Grayson laughed. After breakfast, I went up to my room and turned my stereo on. I put the happiest most fast pace songs on I could find. I was so happy Cameron was coming to visit later, and especially for 2 or 3 weeks because I hadn't seen her in awhile. I jumped up and down on the bed and sang along to the music. After a couple hours of singing and listening to music, I hear,
It sounded like it was coming from Gray's room. I stopped the music and made my way down the narrow hallway. I soon came to Grayson's room. I open the door, only to find Grayson covered in water. I said,
"What's going on?"
Grayson said,
"What's it look like? This idiot poured water on me while I was trying to play COD!"
I looked over at Ethan, who had a camera in his hand laughing. Ethan quoted me and said,
"Take a picture it'll last longer."
I sighed, rolled my eyes and smirked. I couldn't deny that this was pretty funny. How had Grayson not seen it coming? I turned around and walked out, closing the door behind me. I figured it was best to let them settle this. I made my down to the kitchen to get a snack, when I realized what time it was, 2:45. Just 15 more minutes until Cameron came. I sat down on the couch and flipped through the channels, trying to kill some time. And just like that, it was 3:00. Five minutes later, the doorbell rang. I ran and answered the door before anyone else could get there. Cameron's face lit up and she said,
"Hey Ashlynn!"
I said,
"Hey Cam! Come in, come in!"
Cameron lugged her suitcase through the door and as soon as she got in the door, Ethan and Gray ran up to give her a hug. Cameron hugged them back, then said,
     "Hey guys!"
Ethan and Grayson helped her and put her luggage upstairs in her room. It was great having Cameron home.

Ethan and Gray's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now