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Summer was officially over, and Labor Day had passed, so it was time for me to go back to school. I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I normally don't mind school, but this school year was gonna be different and I just knew it. I was starting sophomore year, and my birthday wasn't for another couple of days. Sophomore year, a year that I had heard was one of the scariest years of high school . I was also the youngest sophomore. Everyone else had already turned 15 and I still had 2 more days until that happened. Gray and E would be 18 in December. I hated that summer was up, I wanted to stay in bed longer, and do nothing all day. I eventually rolled out of bed and went ahead and done my hair, and got dressed. When I got downstairs for breakfast, I surprised to see that my brothers were already awake and down there eating. I said,
They both said in unison,
My mom came out of the kitchen at that time. I said,
"Morning mom. Why are they awake so early?"
My mom said,
"Good morning honey. Ethan has to get his wisdom teeth removed this morning."
I sat down next to Ethan and said,
"Oh ok,"
I looked at Ethan and said,
"Have fun."
Ethan shook his head. Grayson said,
"The only reason i'm even awake is so I can film it."
Ethan said,
"And so he can come with me."
I said in a baby voice,
"Aww, Ethan's afraid of the dentist so he needs his twin to hold his hand."
Ethan pushed me and said,
"Shut up. If I remember correctly you had to have mom in there with you the last time you had a bad tooth removed."
I said,
"Yeah I was like 9 though. Little e-tee-wee-tee is afraid of the dentist how cute."
He punched my arm and said,
"Shut up! And don't call me that, or else."
I laughed and I knew if I called him that again he was gonna get very mad and no telling what he's so to me, but I didn't care this was funny so I said,
He picked me up and walked outside to the pool. I screamed. I had to be outside waiting for the bus In less then 15 minutes. I said,
"Ethan! Don't! I have to be outside waiting for the bus!"
He stopped for a split second and said,
"Oh...I don't care!"
He threw me on the pool and I squealed. It was cold. I said,
He laughed and said,
"Guess you'll be late to school today."
I scoffed. I then got out of the pool and went inside to dry off. After I got clean clothes on, I dried my hair and re done it. When I got back downstairs, I said,

    "Mom, since I missed the bus, can I have a ride?"

My mom nodded. I said,

    "Ok thanks."

A few minutes later, we all got in the car, and that's when Gray pulled out the camera. He looked at it, and said,

    "What's up guys, we're back. Today Ethan is getting his wisdom teeth out, but first we have to drop off our sister Ashlynn at school, because her school has started back up.  As you know me and E do online school, so we don't have to go anywhere for school. "

My mom pulled up in front of my school the moment he said that. I got out the car and Gray said,

    "See ya. Have a good day."

Ethan said,

    "Bye, have a good day, see ya later."

I said,

    "Bye! bye mom."

My mom said,

    "Bye sweetie. Let me know if you want a ride home. Since it's a half day, I'll still be out with the boys at the dentist by the time you get out of school. So let me know If you want a ride or if you are gonna ride the bus."

I said,


I kissed her on the cheek, then went into school. Yay. Let the fun begin, note the sarcasm. When I got into the school, I saw my friend waiting for me at my locker. I said,
    "Kaylee! What's up?"
Kaylee hugged me and said,
    "Hey! Ready to face the music?"
I said,
    "I was born ready....I think. Ugh."
She stood beside me and walked with me to the gym to get my schedule. I went to the freshman table. The woman sitting there said,
"Hello, what's your name?"
I said,
"Ashlynn Dolan."
She nodded, then started looking through the stack of papers in front of her. A few seconds later, she handed me my schedule. Kaylee got her's and we then compared them. We had 3 classes together. Better than none, so I was happy with it. We went around and met our teachers and they all seemed pretty first glance. It was soon 11:30, and school ended. I texted my mom (m-mom, a-Ashlynn)
A: Hey, is Ethan still is surgery?"
M: He just got done a few minutes ago. I'll be there shortly.
A: Ok, that's fine. I'll be in front of the school.
M: K

I put my phone away and tried to find one of my friends. Kaylee was riding the bus home, so unless I found another person to talk to I was gonna be alone on my phone until my mom got there. I looked around, and soon found my friend Davy Blake. I ran over and said,
"Davy! Hi, I didn't see you today."
Davy said,
    "Who's Davy?"
I made a confused face. He pulled me aside, and whispered to me,
    "Hey, what the heck?"
I said,
    "What?  I just said hi, and called you by your name."
Davy said,
"I don't go by Davy anymore."
Someone said,
"Hey, Dave! Come over here!"
Davy started walking back. I said,
"Dave? What, I've always called you Davy."
Davy said,
"Ash, we're sophomores now. We aren't kids anymore. Davy's a kids name. I gotta go, I'll see you around."
I nodded and walked back to the front of the school and sat down in the grass. One of my best friends, is not even acting like my friend anymore. He didn't even try to talk to me today, and when he did talk to me, he said that he'd see me around, he didn't even say he'd see me later or tomorrow, just around. Wow, he's a real friend. As I was sitting in the grass my mom pulled up. I saw Ethan sitting in the back seat loopy as all get out. He was screaming,
"Hey Ashlynn!"
Gray told me Hey to, and I had to sit in the back seat with Ethan for the ride home. What fun. He was acting like a little kid! Grayson was filming the whole time as well, so that was also fun. After I got home, I was happy, because I'd rather go to the basement and play ping pong and go out in the backyard and swim in freezing cold water then go back and see how the school year was gonna turn out to be. Well, guess I've got a lot to look forward to....note the sarcasm.

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