Nutso McCrazy People

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Ashlynn's P.O.V
Next thing I know, I'm waking up in some bare, empty room. I tried to move and hurt my arm. I looked down and noticed that I was tied to a chair. I said to myself, "what the heck?"
I looked around, trying to figure out where I was, but the whole room was dimly lit making it hard to make out some things. I noticed, however, that I had a bruise on my arm and dries blood around it where the little girl stabbed me with some sort of needle. But judging by the dried blood around it and the size of the bruise, it must've been a pretty big needle. I sighed and struggled against the ropes tying me to the chair, taking deep breaths. I was scared but I was also curious. I wanted to know who these people or this person was and what they were intending to do to me. I yelled, "Hello! ....HELLO!! Anybody there? Where am I?!"
A smooth voice emerged from the darkness a few seconds later, "You're in a safe place Ashlynn."
I said, "How do you know my name? Who are you?"
The light flicked on revealing the bus driver from earlier and the little girl who stabbed me, "I'm Esther, and this is my daughter Prunella. You see, my daughter is a big fan of your brothers, and when she saw you, she couldn't resist."
I said, "Resist stabbing me? Kind of a weird way to let someone know you recognize them don'tcha think Morticia and Wednesday? Where's Pugsley and Gomez?"
Esther sneered, "If I were you, I'd watch the attitude young lady."
I said, "Or what? You gonna put a witch's shawl on me and shove a broom stick up my butt?"
She walked over and slapped me. My eyes watered at the pain. Esther took a deep breath and said, "Here's what's gonna happen. We are gonna let you go, but only after you get Prunella an autograph and one of Grayson's and Ethan's things to help Prunella never forget them and the occasion."
I scoffed, "And how exactly do you expect me to do that when I'm tied to a chair? Teleport?"
Prunella gawked, "You call them of course! What are you stupid?!."
I squinted, "Says the 4 foot tall Oompa Loompa who still believes in Santa clause."
Prunella said, "Mommy? There's no Santa clause?"
Esther scowled at me then looked to her daughter, "Of course there is honey, she's lying to you."
I said, "Yes Prunella, there's a Santa clause, I was lying, but all you're gonna get for Christmas is coal this year! No presents! Just boxes and boxes and stockings filled with COAL! Chew on that you creepy 8 year old."
Prunella said, "Mommy!"
Esther said, "Prue, Mommy is gonna get you that autograph and souvenir from Ethan and Grayson. Don't worry and don't listen to her."
I scoffed. Esther said, "Call your brothers....Now! What are their numbers?"
I said, "I'm not tellin you that you lunatic!"
Esther said, "Fine, use your nose."
I sighed, Esther put the phone on front of my face and used my nose to punch the numbers in. She put the phone to my ear, and told me the meeting place, what to bring, and everything else to tell E and Gray. Finally a few rings in, Grayson answered the phone,
G: Hello?
A: Hey, what's up? It's Ashlynn
G: Where are you? We've been lookin for you for hours.
A: I don't know, good question. Look just meet me behind Chipotle's. Bring an autographed picture and something of yours and something of Ethan's....hurry.
G: What? Why? What's going on?"
A: Just Do It!
G: Ash? Are you ok?
A: I've been better!
G: Wait! You know your name! You remember me! You've got your memory back?
A: Kinda but now's not the time to celebrate. Do what I told you and fast!
G: O-Ok. Be there in an hour. Ash! Hang tight!
A: Ok
Esther took the phone and hung it up for me. Next thing I know pee wee is blind folding me, thin my arms back some more, then untying me from the chair. I then get leased to a car and buckled up.

At the meeting place.....Behind Chipotle's...............
About 15 minutes later, we came to a stop, and the car stop running. Prunella helped me out if the vehicle, I could tell because the person I leaned on was as tall as my waist, and I was 5'4. A few minutes later, I heard another car pull in. I said, "Hey, can you take this blindfold off?"
I heard a sigh, then the blindfold came off and sunlight came my eyes. I blinked focusing on the people walking towards me....Ethan and Grayson. I yelled, "Ethan! You're ok!? Grayson! Guys help me."
Ethan and Grayson ran towards me, packages in hand. They reached for me, but Esther said, "No! Gifts first."
Grayson scowled at Esther. Prunella said, "I love you guys!"
Ethan said, "You've got some way of showing it."
Ethan threw Prunella a baseball hat that he hardly ever wore, and Grayson brought a sweat shirt from their merch collection, and a picture with his and Ethan's autographs on it.
Prunella took the picture, my brothers things, and Esther pushed me toward them. Esther and Prunella waved good bye, and drove away. Ethan and Grayson untied me, and gave me big hugs. Grayson said, "Are you ok?"
Ethan said, "Did they hurt you?"
I hugged them tight and said, "I'm fine, and no, they didn't hurt me. Scared me a little bit, but after growing up with you two, nothing I couldn't handle for a few minutes."
Ethan said, "Happy your ok. Those people are freakin crazy!"
Grayson said, "Crazy? Their freakin nuts! Who does that?"
Ethan said, "Insane people who need to be put in a mental institution!!"
I laughed. Ethan said, "Hey. we weren't that bad when we we were younger were we?"
I said, "Zappy?"
Grayson said, "Point taken."
I said, "Exactly. But I'm happy your ok E. Last I remember I put you in the hospital."
Ethan said, "It was just minor stuff, and I was really angry at you for that but it wasn't your fault. You had head problems. By the way, how did you get your memory back so fast?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "When that little girl, Prunella, stabbed me with a needle, and I stood up in surprise, I must've fell and hit my head again."
Grayson said, "How ironic. Better take you to the hospital and make sure that's no internal damage."
I nodded, agreeing with Gray.

At the hospital................................

After getting some x rays the doctors said that I still had a minor concussion, that the fall might've just jarred some memories loose. I still needed to rest, but I was gonna be ok. Grayson and Ethan and I made our way back to the apartment where I slept, and watched them film videos, edit, and helped Gray aggravate Ethan while he played that's what I call fun.

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