No! Why?!!

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I cried myself to sleep that night thinking about how stupid I was. Everyone at my old school knew it, they all knew I was annoying, and pretty much good for nothing. I just get in the way of everything, and make everything worse. When I woke up that morning, my face stung a little bit. The tears must've chapped my cheeks a little. I rolled out of bed and put lotion on my face, then made my bed. I then finally stole a look at my alarm clock, 8:30, perfect. Annoyingly early but, this way, I wouldn't have to deal with Ethan and Grayson. I screwed up our relationship and they were pissed. I put on some sweat pants and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. Cameron wasn't even up yet. The only ones down there were me, myself, and I. Mom and dad were work, so that left us siblings home together, that's just lovely. I walked into the kitchen and decided to make myself a bowl of cereal. But upon opening the cabinet, I saw that my favorite cereal was gone. I looked in the trash can and all of it was poured in there. I sighed. It was a new box to. I then decided on a pop tart and a glass of milk. Not great but good enough. While I was eating, I heard a door close,
    "The boys must be up"
I said to myself.  I continued eating my pop tart when Grayson and Ethan entered the kitchen. Ethan walked over to me, and picked up my glass of milk. I said,
    "That's mine!"
He said,
    "Gray, I just heard a really high pitched squeaky voice almost like a chipmunk."
Gray said,
    "Yeah, I heard it to. Weird. If there's a chipmunk in here, it could've pooped all over the house including in the milk, we should probably poor it out."
Ethan nodded, and I said,
Grayson said,
    "I heard it again! Hurry poor it out."
All of a sudden, my head and eyes were covered in cold milk. Grayson said,
    "There we go." Now we don't have to worry about the chipmunk."
I stood up and yelled,
I ran to the downstairs bathroom and dried myself off enough to go upstairs and take a shower. I hate them. I never thought that I would ever say that about them, but yet here we are. After I got out of the shower, and got dressed, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, and it was my mom.
A: Hello?
M: Hey Ash, I can't get a hold of your brothers, are they around by chance?"
A: Yeah, but I wish they weren't.
M: Honey, I know something is up because I heard you guys yelling last night, but we will talk about that some other time, now will you please go find Ethan and Grayson?
A: Sure.
I put the phone to my chest and knocked on their bedroom door. As I expected, they didn't answer. I yelled,
"Mom is on the phone!! She wants to talk to one of you!! Open the door!"
A few seconds later, Grayson opened the door and yanked the phone out of my hand. He said,
"Hello? Really! Oh wow that's great! Thanks mom!"
Grayson gave me my phone back then slammed the door back in my face. I said,
Hoping she was still on the phone, but got no response. Since she didn't answer me, and since I'm nosy I texted her I see what all of that was about.
A: Hey, What is Gray happy about?
M: Your dad bought them a camper so they are going to go on a trip with their friends in a week or two.
A: Well I'm going to go to the park. Love you, bye.
M: Ash....ok be careful love you.

I put my phone in my pocket and made my way to the front door. As I was walking out, Cameron turned the TV on. I yelled,
"I'm going to the park if anyone cares!!"
Cameron said,
"I hate to sound mean but you're wasting your breath."
I said,
"I know, believe me."
Cameron gave me a confused look, and told me to be careful. The boys must've told her everything that went on...great.

————————-At the Park——————
I walked over to the big Cedar tree next to the teeter-totter (seesaw), and saw a big cream colored envelope resting at its roots. When I opened it up, I got my first task. It said,
"Hello. If you're reading this, then you did as you were told. Your first task is to go online and tell the world how embarrassing it is being Ethan and Grayson's sister. How stupid they act, and how nobody likes them. Also say mean things about your self in a separate tweet . That you're fat, ugly, stupid, useless, a waste of space. Once you've done this, come back in a week."
I sighed, and as I did I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I couldn't do this. I didn't want their reputation ruined but I also didn't want our relationship and my reputation to be ruined. I had to do this though. I'd rather my reputation be completely ruined then their's and their career. Why? Why am I even dealing with this! I've gotta find out who this is!! And as stupid as this sounds, I think I've gotta way to do it, but first I've gotta go lie to the world and get my brothers more mad me..great...just great. 😔

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