My Sweet 15 ?

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Two Days Later.......
I woke up that morning and realized that it was November 25th, which meant it was my sweet 15th birthday. I  got out of bed and made my bed, then got dressed. When I got done, I walked downstairs to eat breakfast. When I got down there, I saw Ethan and Grayson...AWAKE....sitting at the table with Cameron. It was 9:30, they don't normally get up this early. I sat down at the table, and boys said simultaneously,
"Happy 15th Ash!!!"
I smiled and said,
"Thanks! What are you guys doing up so early?"
Ethan said,
    "Early? It's 9:30."
I said,
    "I know, you guys don't normally get up until like 11:30 or noon."
Grayson said,
    "It's a special occasion."
I said,
     "Oh really, well thanks!"

As if on cue, my mom walked in carrying bacon and pancakes with milk. She sat them down in front of the boys, Cameron, and I and sang, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Ashlynn, Happy Birthday to you!"

I smiled, and said,

    "Thanks guys. Love you mom."

My mom said,

    "Love you to honey, now eat up, your brothers and sister have a surprise for you."

I looked at them and smiled again. As I started eating, Ethan said,

    "The surprise is, we are going to the mall."
I said,
"Really?!? Cool!"
I put a fork full of pancake in my mouth and smiled...with my mouth closed. After I finished breakfast I ran upstairs to put my shoes on and grab my purse.  I was so excited to go to the mall. As funny and crazy as it sounds, I haven't been to the mall in about a year. A few minutes later, Cameron was in the drivers seat, Ethan was in the passengers seat, and Gray and I were in the back seat on our way to the town mall.

Grayson's P.O.V
I can't believe my sister, my little sister at that, is already 15 It's already hard to believe Cam is 20, but Ash can't be 15, that's insane. As I sat in the car I realized that since it's her birthday I can't be mean to her 😂, but that doesn't mean I can't "be mean" to her later tonight, her birthday is pretty much over by tonight. As I thought about this, Cameron pulled into the parking lot of Jersey Shore Mall. We all got out, and walked into the mall. Ash said,
"Let's go to Bath&Body Works."
Ethan said,
"Ugh! Not to some girly store. Gray and I are gonna go to the video game store."
Cameron said,
"No, it's her day."
I said,
"Yeah but you're only going along with cause she's a girl like you and like all the same stuff she does."
Cameron said,
"Gray, no matter how much bigger than me you and Ethan are, you're still my annoying little brothers, so that means I get to tell you what do when mom and dad aren't around, so guess what, we are going where ever our sister wants."
I sighed, and we headed towards Bath&Body Works. Ethan looked at me and whispered,
"Sometimes I really hate having sisters."
I said,
"Believe me I know."
When we got into Bath&Body Works, we were flooded with fans. While and I took pictures and greeted our fans, Ashlynn went with Cameron over to the back of the store to look around. Surprisingly, since E and I came, we pretty much cleared the store for them because everyone was in one spot...all around us. A few minutes later, the crowd dispersed, and a band and YouTuber merchandise store caught my eye. I knew that Ash LOVES the boyband Why Don't We, so I said to Ethan,
"Hey E, I've got an idea for Ashlynn's birthday present."
Ethan said,
"Merch from that store?"
I said,
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
Ethan said,
"Hello, we're twins, we have telepathy."
I laughed to myself, and went over to where Cameron and Ashlynn were standing looking at Moonlight Path body mist, lotion, body butter, bubble bath, you name it and I said,
"Hey Cam me and Ethan are going to go get this brat a birthday present."
Ashlynn said,
"Excuse me!"
Cameron said,
"No you guys are staying here."
Ethan said,
"Cam it's a present for our little sister you feel me?"
Cameron said,
"I'm not feeling any part of you."
I shook my head and smirked at her remark. Ethan squinted and said,
"Haha, So can we please go or not?"
Cameron said,
"Yeah go ahead. Also,"
She leaned into Ethan's ear and whispered something. She said,
"Got it?"
Ethan said,
"Yep. Gray lets go."
I followed behind Ethan and we made our way down to the Merch store. While we were on the escalator, I asked,
"What did Cameron whisper to you?"
Ethan said,
"She told me to buy Ash an Apple Watch, so they can match."
I said,
"Ok cool, that's not a little weird at all."
Ethan said,
"Dude, they are our sisters, they've never been normal."
I laughed as the escalator came to the floor. I stepped off of the escalator, and we made our way to the Merch store first then to the Apple store. I said,
"This will be a birthday she'll never forget."
Ethan laughed and said,
"I'm sure it will."

Ashlynn's P.O.V
While I was looking at moonlight path body spray and accessories, Gray and E walked up to Cameron and Gray asked,
"Hey Cam, me and Ethan are going o go buy this brat a birthday present."
I said,
"Excuse me!"
Cameron said,
"No you guys are staying here."
After that I went over to hand sanitizer table, and started smelling hand sanitizers while My brothers and sisters argued. A few minutes later, Cameron walked over and joined me at the hand sanitizer table, and my brothers walked off in the other direction towards the exit for the store. I said,
"Cam, want to go to Belk now and look around? I'm going to buy some of this body spray and we can go clothes shopping."
Cameron said,
"Sounds good to me."
I bought the body spray then headed to Belk's. After looking around a little bit, the boys came and met us in the store. Ethan said,
"Can we go to the food court now? Im starving."
Gray said,
"Yeah me to."
I said,
"You guys are always hungry but yeah sure, Cam you want to?"
Cameron said,
We then made our way to the food court and got lunch. Afterwards, we headed back home with left over Chick fil a, and some body spray, and two other bags that Ethan and Gray had. When we got home, I walked into my room and played on my phone. While I was playing on my phone, the boys walked in and started singing happy birthday, Cameron and my parents behind them, and Gray holding a camera. When they got done, Ethan handed me his present first. He said,
"This is from Gray and I."
I opened the bag that was in the back of the car earlier and saw a shirt that had Why Don't We on it!!!! I jumped up and said,
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
I ran and hugged both Ethan and Grayson. Grayson said,
"Your welcome."
Cameron gave me her present next and it was In a rectangular box. I knew immediately what it was....It was an Apple Watch!!!! I said,
"Aww! Thank you Cameron!!!"
My mom and dad smiled. Cameron said,
"Your welcome but thank the boys. They picked it out I just them what to get."
I said,
"Thanks guys!"
I hugged them all and they smiled. They then left and later that night we had cake after dinner. This was the best 15th birthday ever!!

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